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2023-07-25 11:02:08 Dars #217 Prefixes (old qo'shimchalar) II qism

Prefixes - old qoʻshimchalar ingliz tilida soʻzlar oldidan kelib, soʻzlarga oʻziga xos ma'no qoʻshadigan qoʻshimchalardir. Old qoʻshimchalar soʻz turkumini oʻzgartirmaydi.

anti - qarshi (anti-war, anti-marriage)
They went on an anti-war demonstration last weekend..
non - yoʻq, -mas (nonexistant, nonflammable)
They were non-combatants in the war.
multi - koʻp (multinational, multimillionaire, multiethnic)
Uzbekistan is a multiethnic country.
trans - orqali, kesib o'tuvchi, butunlay (transatlantic, transplant)
Kate has transformed (= completely changed the appearance of) that house since she moved in.
super - o'ta kuchli, a'lo, g'ayri (supernatural, superhuman, superstar)
The super-rich are getting super-riche.
de - yiroq, ajralgan (derail, deforestation, debug)
Once you've written a computer program, you have to debug (= remove the errors from) it.
pro - yoqlovchi, tarafdor (prowar, pro-democracy)
Traditionally, the Republican Party is perceived to be more pro-business.
sub - tag, pastgi (subway, submarine)
Winter weather brought sub-zero (= less than 0 degrees) temperatures to much of the country.
uni - bir, umumiy (uniform, unicellular)
He was pictured as a soldier in full uniform.
under - kam, pasaytirib (underestimate, underpopulated)
His boss says he's under-performing (= not doing as well as he should) at work.
over -ortiqcha, ko'p (overdo, overtime, overestimate, overwork)
That new restaurant is overpriced if you ask me.
I didn’t enjoy the play. It was a student production, and everyone seemed to be overacting.

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Kanalga qo'shiling
1.1K views08:02
2023-07-24 11:38:00 Dars #216 Prefixes (old qo'shimchalar)

Prefixes - old qoʻshimchalar ingliz tilida soʻzlar oldidan kelib, soʻzlarga oʻziga xos ma'no qoʻshadigan qoʻshimchalardir. Old qoʻshimchalar soʻz turkumini oʻzgartirmaydi.

co - birga, birgalikda (co-operate, co-pilot, co-exist)
He does not believe that modern medicine can co-exist with faith-healing.
re - yana, qayta (rewrite, repaint, reappear)
Ten minutes later she reappeared from the storeroom holding the paint.
The producer disliked the script and demanded a rewrite.
ex - sobiq, avvalgi (ex-president, ex-husband, ex-wife, ex-champion)
This was because he had contacted with his ex-wife.
inter - -aro, oʻzaro (international, intercontinental)
He is keen on international law.
bi - ikki, ikkita (bicycle, bilingual, biannual)
We meet bi-monthly (= twice every month or once every two months).
pre - oldin(gi) (preschool, prehistoric,pre-lunch)
Junk food is mostly precooked food.
semi - yarim (semifinal, semi-detached)
The semifinal will be played on Saturday.
counter - qarshi (counterattack, counterespionage)
They have an incentive to conceal reality from those who might counter-bid.
The air force counterattacked and repelled the invasion.
post - keyingi (postgraduate, postwar, posthumously)
His last novel was published posthumously.
mono - bir (monolingual, monosyllable, monopoly)
Monolingual children are able to learn a second language quickly if given the chance.
mis- — teskari, noto'g'ri (misuse, misunderstand, mishear, misbehaviour)
I never said that! You must have misheard me.
His misbehaviour eventually led to him being expelled from school.

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2023-07-23 11:00:30 Dars #187 Introduction to word usage

Soʻnggi yillarda DTM tomonidan abituriyentlarga ingliz tili grammatikasini bilishdan tashqari, soʻz qoʻllash, soʻzlarning qaysi turkumga xosligini bilishni tekshiradigan testlar ham tuzilmoqda. Misol uchun quyidagi testlarni koʻrib chiqamiz:

Birinchi misol:
If an athlete wishes to achieve success in his field, he must show mental … as well as other qualities.
A) strengthen B) strongly C) strong D) strength

Yuqoridagi testni ishlash uchun ularni qaysi soʻz turkumiga xosligini koʻrib chiqamiz: strengthen - fe'l, strongly - ravish, strong - sifat, strength - ot.
Endi testda mental soʻziga e'tibor beramiz, mental - aqliy degan ma'noni bildiradi.
Gapni tarjima qilamiz: Agar sportchi oʻz sohasida muvaffaqiyat qozonmoqchi boʻlsa, u boshqa ustunliklardan tashqari, aqliy salohiyatini (kuch) ham koʻrsatishi lozim. Demak, salohiyat (kuch) soʻzi ot boʻlganligi uchun toʻg'ri javob strength boʻladi.
If an athlete wishes to achieve success in his field, he must show mental … as well as other qualities.
A) strengthen B) strongly C) strong D) strength
Mazkur holatda qisqa yoʻldan borsa ham boʻladi, ya'ni oʻzbek tilidagi kabi ingliz tilida ham sifat oʻzidan keyin ot talab qiladi va gapni tarjima qilib oʻtirmasdan D) javobni belgilab ketsak ham boʻlar edi.

Ikkinchi misol:
The antique collector must be able to distinguish … antiques from later imitations, which can be either reproductions or fakes.
A) realize B) reality C) really D) real

Yuqoridagi testni ishlash uchun ularni qaysi soʻz turkumiga xosligini koʻrib chiqamiz: realize - fe'l, reality - ot, really - ravish, real - sifat
antiques - tarixiy ashyolar soʻzi bu testda asosiy soʻz hisoblanadi va uning oldiga kerakli soʻzni qoʻyish lozim.
Gapni tarjima qilamiz: Tarixiy ashyolarni yig'uvchi shaxs, haqiqiy tarixiy ashyolarni soxtalashtirilgan keyingi nusxalardan farqlay bilishi lozim. Tarixiy ashyolar soʻzi oldidan real -haqiqiy soʻzi qoʻllanishi lozim. Demak toʻg'ri javob D).
The antique collector must be able to distinguish … antiques from later imitations, which can be either reproductions or fakes.
A) realize B) reality C) really D) real

Keyingi darslarda taqdim etiladigan jadvallardagi qoʻshimchalar abituriyentlarga u yoki bu soʻzni qaysi soʻz turkumiga xosligini koʻrsatadi, xolos. Soʻz qoʻllashga oid testlarni ishlashda esa, nafaqat soʻzlarning qaysi turkumga xosligini bilish, balki gap boʻlaklari tartibini bilish, shuningdek gapni toʻg'ri tarjima qilish ham katta ahamiyatga ega.

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Kanalga qo'shiling
2.0K views08:00
2023-07-22 11:01:41 Map №11 of the Grammar Notes channel. Here are all the grammar posts related to prepositional phrases and phrasal verbs.

Dars #174 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (A)
Dars #175 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (A)
Dars #176 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (B)
Dars #177 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (B)
Dars #178 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (C)
Dars #179 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (C)
Dars #180 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (C)
Dars #181 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (D)
Dars #182 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (D)
Dars #183 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (E)
Dars #184 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (F)
Dars #185 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (F)
Dars #186 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (G)
Dars #187 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (G)
Dars #188 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (H)
Dars #189 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (I, J)
Dars #190 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (K, L)
Dars #191 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (L)
Dars #192 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (M)
Dars #193 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (N,O)
Dars #194 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (P)
Dars #195 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (P,Q)
Dars #196 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (R)
Dars #197 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (S)
Dars #198 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (S)
Dars #199 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (S)
Dars #200 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (T)
Dars #201 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (T)
Dars #202 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (U,V,W)

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Kanalga qo'shiling
2.3K views08:01
2023-07-21 10:59:59 Dars #185 Ingliz tilidagi asosiy ko'makchilar (VIII qism)

through - orqali, ichidan
The children drank their milkshakes through straws.
The highway was closed, and we had to come through the city.

hamma joyida:
There are spiders throughout the building.
davomida (boshidan oxirigacha):
She stays at the beach throughout the summer.

-ga tomon (yoʻnalish):
She ran toward the playground to see her friends.
-ga nisbatan (munosabat):
She is very affectionate toward her parents.
-ga qarab (payt):
I always feel hungry towards dinnertime.

We sat under the tree and had a picnic.
-dan past (yosh, son):
He has three children under age ten.
qoʻl ostida, nazoratda:
Under this boss we have little freedom to express our own ideas.

I found my jacket underneath the other coats.
Underneath her smile there is a lot of heartache.

up - tepaga, yuqoriga (harakat fe'li bilan)
The cat climbed up the tree.

via - orqali
We flew home via Moscow.

bilan, hamkorlikda, aloqasi bor:
She spent the weekend with us.
She writes with a pen.
bir vaqtda:
He rises with the sun.
-ga qaramasdan:
I love him with all his faults.

ichida, doirasida:
Those schools are within the county jurisdiction.
ichida, oʻtmasdan (vaqt)
I will return within the hour.
-dan kam (masofa):
There is a hospital within five miles of the school.

I can't live without you.
qilmasdan (gerundiy):
She passed the test without studying.

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Kanalga qo'shiling
2.5K views07:59
2023-07-20 11:01:27 Dars #184 Ingliz tilidagi asosiy ko'makchilar (VII qism)

tashqariga (harakat fe'li bilan):
Please take the trash out.
My secretary will see you out .
-ga (tarqatmoq va shunga oʻxshash fe'llar bilan ishlatilganda):
The teacher told me to hand these papers out.
The teacher gave out photocopies to all the children.

out of
tashqariga (o'zidan keyin ot bilan ishlatilishi lozim):
He was freezing when he got out of the water.
tashqarida (joyida yoʻq):
The boss is out of the office.

outside - tashqarida
Don't worry, the dog is outside (of) the house.

ustidan, ustida:
The plane flew over our building.
yuqorida, baland:
The water at this end of the pool is over your head.
-dan oshiq:
I have gained over five kilos this month.
ustidan oshib (harakat fe'li):
We had to climb over the mountain to get here.
narigi tarafda:
They live over the river.
They decided to read the papers over the holidays.
ustida, haqida:
I wish you wouldn't fight over money.
yana, takroran:
She didn't like my work; she told me to do it over.

yonidan oʻtib, oʻtgandan (keyin):
The gas station is on your left, just past the shopping center.
oʻtgan (yosh, vaqt):
His daughter is past her teens now.

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Kanalga qo'shiling
2.6K views08:01
2023-07-19 11:01:40 Dars #183 Ingliz tilidagi asosiy ko'makchilar (VI qism)

-dek, oʻxshab
He talks like his father.
Is Japanese food like Chinese?
It's not like you to be so quiet - are you all right, my love?

misol uchun, masalan, -ga o'xshagan
She looks best in bright, vibrant colours, like red and pink.
They grow root vegetables, like beets, carrots, radishes, and turnips.

near - yaqin (joy)
We live near the school.

next to - yonida
Her best friend sits next to her at the table.

-ning (qaratqich kelishigi):
I have read all the pages of the book.

–dan/-ning (son bilan kelganda)
Three of the girls are our daughters.

off - -dan (harakat fe'li bilan kelib ajralish, uzoqlashishni bildiradi)
They shoveled the snow off the driveway.
We got off the train in New Orleans.

onto - ustiga (harakat fe'li bilan)
The child hopped onto the bed.

opposite - qarama-qarshi, qarshisida
I sat opposite him at the library last night.
My house is opposite the drugstore.

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Kanalga qo'shiling
2.8K views08:01
2023-07-18 11:11:02 Dars #182 Ingliz tilidagi asosiy ko'makchilar (V qism)

uchun (atalganlik):
I have a present for you.
uchun (sabab):
He apologized for his absence.

-dan (joy, manba):
Tony is from Alabama.
We get help from our neighbors.
-dan (harakat fe'llari bilan ajralish, uzoqlashishni bildiradi):
We ran away from the building.
- dan (ayiruvni bildiradi):
Three from nine equals six.

in back of - orqasida
There is a beautiful tree in back of our house.

in front of
oldida (joy):
There is a van in front of their house.
oldida (kelajakda):
She has a lot of problems in front of her.

There are some little toy animals inside the box.
It started to rain, so we went inside.

instead of - oʻrniga
They went to Hawaii instead of South America.

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Kanalga qo'shiling
2.9K views08:11
2023-07-17 11:01:36 Dars #181 Ingliz tilidagi asosiy ko'makchilar (IV qism)

between - orasida, oʻrtasida (ikkita odam yoki narsa)
My neighbor and I built a fence between our backyards.
You can have only one dessert, so please decide between cake and ice cream.

narigi tarafida, uzoqda:
Our street is beyond the traffic light.
imkoniyatdan tashqari
That situation is beyond my understanding.
-dan ortiq, -dan chiqib (muddat, cheklov):
She has always lived beyond her means. (spend more than she earns)
Few people live beyond the age of a hundred.

close to
yaqin (joyga nisbatan):
Your house is close to the metro station.
yaqin (ruhan):
She is very close to her older sister.

pastga (harakat):
The rocks rolled down the mountain.
bo'ylab (=along):
We drove down the motorway as far as Bristol.

except (for) - - dan tashqari (hisobga olmaganda)
Everyone went to the movies except (for) me.

far from
juda uzoqga, uzoqda:
His sister moved far from home a long time ago.
uzoq (inkor ma'noda):
The tax system is far from perfect. (not perfect)

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Kanalga qo'shiling
2.9K views08:01
2023-07-16 18:59:05 The Grand Map of the Grammar Notes Channel

Hurmatli kanal a'zolari! Sizlar uchun ajoyib sovg'a! Grammar Notes kanalining Ulkan xaritasini tuzib chiqdim. Hech qaysi ingliz tiliga ixtisoslashgan kanalida bu yerdagi ma'lumotni uchratmaysiz!

Mazkur xaritani kitob degan qabul qilsangiz ham bo'ladi, chunki bu yerda barcha grammatikaga oid mavzular ( dan ortiq darslar) jam bo'lgan.
Yulduzchalar bilan mazkur mavzularning ahamiyatini belgilanganman.
- Juda muhim, - Muhim - Qo'shimcha ravishda o'rganish tavsiya qilinadi.

1. Tenses - Zamonlar
2. Modal verbs - Modal fe'llar
3. Conditionals - Shart ergash gaplar
4. Active and passive voice - Aniq va Majhul nisbat
5. Direct and reported speech - Ko'chirma va o'zlashtirma gap
6. Questions - So'roq gaplar
7. Use of auxiliary verbs - Yordamchi fe'llar
8. Gerund and infinitives - Fe'lning noaniq shakllari
9. The Noun and articles - Ot va artikllar
10. Pronouns and relative clauses - Olmosh va nisbiy ergash gaplar
11. Adjectives and Adverbs - Sifat va ravishlar
12.Conjunctions - Bog'lovchilar
13. Prepositions - Ko'makchilar
14. Prepositional phrases - Ko'makchili birikmalar
15. Word usage, prefixes and suffixes - So'z qo'llanishi, old qo'shimcha va qo'shimchalar
16. Word order and usage - Gap tartibi va ishlatilishi
17. American English and British English - Amerika va Britaniya ingliz so'zlari farqlari
18. Subject-verb agreement, parallel structure, subjunctive mood, inversion and fronting
19. Numerals - Sonlar
20. Phrasal verbs - Fe'l iboralar

Xarita to'ldirib boriladi. Ulashishni unutmang!

Kanalga qo'shiling
2.9K views15:59