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Telegram kanalining logotibi ieltsc1 — IELTSC1
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2022-10-16 17:16:03 Wait VS Await

 AWAIT is way more formal. We normally don’t use it in everyday conversations. It is mainly used in formal letters and emails. For example, if you are expecting a reply from someone, you can use it at the end of your letter/email:
I’m awaiting your reply.

The verb AWAIT must be followed by an object. You can’t use it on its own.
I’m awaiting two packages.

The verb AWAIT can only be used with things. We can’t use it when we’re talking about people.
I’m awaiting you. – Incorrect

WAIT must be used with a preposition (FOR or ON)
I’m waiting for a bus.
Wait on here till the bus comes.

When we use WAIT we usually mention the length of time you that you have been waiting.
I’ve been waiting for you for ages.

We can use WAIT on its own.
We have been waiting and waiting to show our store to you and the day is finally here!

We can also use WAIT with another verb.
Yesterday, I waited in a queue for 2 hours to withdraw money.

We can use WAIT with both
things and people.
I am waiting for Lucy to call me back.
While I was waiting for the bus, I read a magazine.

8.1K viewsKamoliddin, 14:16
2022-10-16 10:56:38 Speaking Actual Test With Sample Answer

Actual Questions

Cue Card - A time when you were busy

Related Vocabulary

7.3K viewsKamoliddin, edited  07:56
2022-10-16 06:50:10 #quickreminder

What to expect in an IELTS Speaking Test?

IELTS speaking module is divided into three parts.

IELTS speaking part 1: Part 1 will begin with the examiner introducing herself/himself which will be followed by verification of identity. Then there will be some questions on topics such as home, work, study, etc. It will last for 4 – 5 minutes.

IELTS speaking part 2: You will be given a cue card or task card. You will be given 1 minute to prepare for it. You will asked to speak on the topic until the examiner asks you to stop. You can find various speaking part 2 questions or cue cards with answers here.

IELTS speaking part 3: These are follow-up questions from part 2.
7.8K viewsKamoliddin, edited  03:50
2022-10-13 06:19:41 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫  𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐒

Functions of Modal Verbs.

Expressing ability
Terry is twenty years old. He can drive a car. ( present )
When he was ten , he could / was able to ride a bicycle. ( past repeated action)
Paula was able to climb to the top of the mountain. ( managed to do ; past single action )

Expressing lack of ability
Sue can't dance. ( present )
He couldn't / wasn't able to play chess when he was younger . ( past repeated action )
She couldn't / wasn't able to finish the book.( past single action )

Expressing obligation / duty / necessity
You must attend the meeting . ( You are obliged to / You have to / You need to / It is necessary.)
must attend the meeting . ( I have decided.)
I have to attend the meeting . ( Someone else has decided.)
We ought to / should respect the elderly.( less strong than must)
Need I buy her a present ? ( Is it necessary ? )

Expressing absence of necessity
She doesn't need to / doesn't have to / needn't do the shopping. I'll do it later. ( It isn't necessary.)
She didn't need to / didn't have to do the shopping as I had already done it.( It wasn't necessary for her to do it.)
She needn't have done the shopping. ( It wasn't necessary for her to do the shopping , but she did.)

Expressing prohibition
You mustn't / can't be late for work. ( it's forbidden / you aren't allowed to / it's against the rules / law)

Expressing certainty
He must be at home . ( positive ; I'm sure he is.)
He can't be sleeping . ( negative ; I'm sure he isn't.)

Expressing probability
He ought to / should be in now.( He is probably in.)

Expressing possibility
It can get very hot in July . (it is theoretically possible )
We could / may / might be a little late. ( it is possible )
He could / might have been injured. ( but he wasn't )

The Road To Success @IELTSC1
2.0K views꯭❍꯭➢꯭ ❲꯭❈❳꯭ Μ࿆ʀ࿆_࿆S࿆υ࿆ʟ࿆τ࿆σ࿆η࿆ϐ࿆ε࿆κ꯭࿆➣꯭ ❲꯭❧꯭❳꯭ ✹, edited  03:19
2022-10-12 04:39:05
Ko‘p foydalaniladigan kundalik suhbatlashuvlar:

When you express acceptance of a thing, offer or suggestion
— Qachonki narsadan, taklifdan, maslahatdan rozi bo'lishni ifodalasangiz

I guess. - Taxminimcha
I suppose. - Menimcha
I guess so. - Taxminimcha shunday
I suppose so. - Menimcha shunday
I believe so. - Men shunaqa deb ishonaman
I think so. - O'ylashimcha shunday
So it seems. - Shunday ko'rinyapti
I hear you. - Men sizni eshityapman
I hear what you're saying. - Nima deyayotganingizni eshityapman

When you agree with a point with indifference or resistance
— Qachonki kimnidir gapiga shubha yoki loqaydlik bilan qo'shilsangiz

Anything you say. - Nima desangiz ham
Whatever you say. - Nima deyishizdan qat'iy nazar
As you say. - Aytganingizdek
If you say so. - Agar shunaqa desangiz
I'm afraid so. - Shunday deb qo'rqaman

The Road To Success @IELTSC1
2.2K views꯭❍꯭➢꯭ ❲꯭❈❳꯭ Μ࿆ʀ࿆_࿆S࿆υ࿆ʟ࿆τ࿆σ࿆η࿆ϐ࿆ε࿆κ꯭࿆➣꯭ ❲꯭❧꯭❳꯭ ✹, edited  01:39
2022-10-11 18:56:58 ADVANCED GRAMMAR

in which = where

That's the restaurant in which we met for the first time.

That's the restaurant where we met for the first time.

at which = where

That picture was taken in the park at which I used to play.

That picture was taken in the park where I used to play.

on which = when

I remember the day on which we first met.

I remember the day when we first met.

in which = when

There was a very hot summer the year in which he was born.

There was a very hot summer the year when he was born.

for which = why

Tell me the reason for which you came home late.

Tell me the reason why you came home late.

for which = why

Do you want to know the reason for which he is angry with Sara?

Do you want to know the reason why he is angry with Sara?

#grammar @IELTSc1
2.7K viewsJakhan, 15:56
2022-10-11 15:00:52
Bor Yog'i 493 ming so'm viza tolovini tolab Singapurga o'qishga topshirish imkoniyati!

Bu imkoniyat hayotingizda ko'rgan eng zo'r imkoniyat bo'lishi mumkin

Universitetga application to'lovi yoq

Qishki qabul Hali ham davom etyapti (2chi round)

Online ta'lim olish bepul.

Offline kontrakti yiliga: 1944$ (6 ga bo'lib to'lash imkoniyati bor)

Singapurda Internship davomida 900$-1500$ oylik maosh to'lanadi.

Diploma in Business and Sales Management
Logistics and Supply Chain management
Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Management

Ishda qolish imkoniyati

Imtihon to'lovi 69$ (ONLINE ta'lim uchun oldindan)

Talaba yoshlar ham bemalol topshirsa bo'ladi (online'ga)

IELTS talab qilinmaydi

Ariza topshirishda Singapurda joylashgan Apex Global Advisory yordam beradi

+998992363680 / @Students_Coordinator ,

Telegram kanal:
3.1K viewsJakhan, 12:00

I definitely think...
I guess...
I suppose...
I suspect...
I firmly believe...
I reckon ...
I admit...
I'm convinced that...
In my humble opinion...
If you ask me...
Um, honestly...

The Road To Success @IELTSC1
1.3K views꯭❍꯭➢꯭ ❲꯭❈❳꯭ Μ࿆ʀ࿆_࿆S࿆υ࿆ʟ࿆τ࿆σ࿆η࿆ϐ࿆ε࿆κ꯭࿆➣꯭ ❲꯭❧꯭❳꯭ ✹, edited  01:09
2022-10-10 04:24:35 "English Collocations in Use" 2020-yil eng oxirgi varianti.

Bularning tarjimasiga alohida e'tibor bering va tajribali insonlar bilan tarjima qiling!

Kerakli insonlarga tarqatamiz!

Reaksiya qoldiramiz!
Sharing is caring

The Road To Success @IELTSC1
2.5K views꯭❍꯭➢꯭ ❲꯭❈❳꯭ Μ࿆ʀ࿆_࿆S࿆υ࿆ʟ࿆τ࿆σ࿆η࿆ϐ࿆ε࿆κ꯭࿆➣꯭ ❲꯭❧꯭❳꯭ ✹, edited  01:24
2022-10-09 05:09:31 Useful

O‘zaro muloqotdagi kundalik so‘zlar

That's the truth. - Bu haqiqat.
That's the gospel truth. - Bu haqiqat
That's the honest truth. - Bu to'ppa-to'g'ri
That's the honest-to-goodness truth. - Bu haqiqat
Honest. - To'grisi
Honestly. - Rosti
True. - Haqiqat
Truly. - Chindan
I swear. - Qasam ichaman
I swear to you. - Qasam ichaman
I swear to God. - Xudo haqqi
Would I lie? - Aldaymanmi?
Would I lie to you? - Sizni aldaymanmi?
Why would I lie? - Nahotki men aldasam?
I'm not kidding. - Hazillashganim yo'q.
Believe it or not. - Xoh ishon xoh ishonma.
Frankly speaking,… - Xullas gapni qisqasi....
Speaking candidly,… - Gapning dangali....


The Road To Success @IELTSC1
2.7K views꯭❍꯭➢꯭ ❲꯭❈❳꯭ Μ࿆ʀ࿆_࿆S࿆υ࿆ʟ࿆τ࿆σ࿆η࿆ϐ࿆ε࿆κ꯭࿆➣꯭ ❲꯭❧꯭❳꯭ ✹, edited  02:09