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Telegram kanalining logotibi ieltsc1 — IELTSC1 I
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Telegram kanalining logotibi ieltsc1 — IELTSC1
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Kanal manzili: @ieltsc1
Toifalar: Tillar
Til: Oʻzbek tili
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Obunachilar: 23.54K
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Oxirgi xabar 33

2022-10-08 16:42:05 STOP USING "VERY"

• very lazy ---> indolent

• very hot ---> sweltering

• very strong ---> forceful

• very huge ---> colossal

• very calm ---> serene

• very ugly ---> hideous

• very small ---> petite

• very angry ---> furious

• very beautiful ---> gorgeous

• very big ---> massive

The Road To Success @IELTSC1
2.0K views꯭❍꯭➢꯭ ❲꯭❈❳꯭ Μ࿆ʀ࿆_࿆S࿆υ࿆ʟ࿆τ࿆σ࿆η࿆ϐ࿆ε࿆κ꯭࿆➣꯭ ❲꯭❧꯭❳꯭ ✹, edited  13:42
2022-10-07 22:36:58 5 Basic Types of Adverbs 2(examples)

Adverbs of Time
I haven’t been going to the gym lately.
We recently bought a new car.

Adverbs of Place
We went into the cave, and there were bats everywhere!
One day when my dad wasn’t paying attention to where he was going, he walked into a wall.

Adverbs of Manner
I politely opened the door for my grandmother as she stepped out of the car.
A fat orange and white cat rested lazily on the sofa.

Adverbs of Degree
Can I come to the movies too?
Aren’t you hungry? You’ve hardly touched your dinner.

Adverbs of Frequency
I rarely eat fast food these days.
Tom usually takes his dog for a walk before breakfast.

The Road To Success @IELTSC1
2.3K viewsJakhan, 19:36
2022-10-07 18:00:49

SUCCESS LC ga keling va siz ham IELTS imtihonidan bizning o'quvchilardek yuqori natijalarga erishing!

SUCCESS LC da kurslar narxlari:

Beginner - 300 000 so'm
Elementary - 350 000 so'm
Pre IELTS - 400 000 so'm
IELTS - 600 000 so'm

P.S. Yuqoridagi to'lov summasiga kurs davomida kerakli kitoblar va tarqatma materiallar ham kiradi. IELTS darajadan boshqa hamma daraja ikki oydan davom etadi. IELTS kursini davomiyligi o'rtacha 3 oyni tashkil etadi.

P.S.S. Bu yerda darslarimiz sifati haqida 5-6 qator matn bo'lishi kerak edi lekin biz buni o'zingiz tushunishingizni istadik. Kelib darslarimizni kuzating va tanlovda adashmaganingizni o'zingiz tushunib yeting

Sinov darsiga ertadan qo'shilishingiz mumkin!

+99899 6589999 raqamiga qo'ng'iroq qiling va ertangi kurslar haqida ma'lumot olib darsni kuzatish uchun markazimizga tashrif buyuring. Sizni kutamiz


3.0K viewsJakhan, 15:00
2022-10-07 17:30:35
Yuqoridagi ikki natijaning orasida 25 KUN bor

25 kun ichida qanday kamchilik va detallarga e'tibor berish orqali Overall 7.5dan 8.5ga REAL EXAMda erishilganini bilmoqchimisiz

Balki bunday kamchiliklar sizning ham Overall natijangizga ta'sir qilishi mumkin

Tajribali Shoxrux Olimov barcha ma'lumotni ERTAGA 20:00da KANALIMIZda bo'ladigan Webinarda aytib beradilar
461 viewsJakhan, 14:30
2022-10-07 11:30:47 Useful

A great way to improve your IELTS score is by improving your IELTS vocabulary. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using synonyms for common words. Synonyms are words which mean the same and can be used to replace a word with a better one. Synonyms are of great help to get a good score in IELTS along with improving one's general vocabulary score.

There is a list of synonyms for common words which can help a great deal in getting you a good IELTS score

Dears, always stay tunned and keep checking our channel reqularly as the best things are coming!

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The Road To Success @IELTSC1
2.1K viewsJakhan, 08:30
2022-10-07 10:30:41
Sizda IELTS yoki TOPIK sertifikat bormi - ENG ZOR TANLOV SIZDA!

va Magistratura dasturi uchun barcha universitetlarda BAHORGI 2023 qabuli OCHILDI, eng muhimi firma to'lovi natijadan keyin to'lanadi!

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100% gacha chegirmalar
KDB bankshot va ota ona yillik daromad talab etilmaydigan universitetlar
Joylar soni cheklangan

Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarimizga a`zo bo`ling va natijalarimizni ko`ring!

Xizmatlarimiz qonuniy va ikki tomonlama yuridik shartnoma asosida amalga oshiriladi.

Murojaat uchun:

+998937057879 | yozish
1.6K viewsJakhan, 07:30
2022-10-07 05:23:40 Useful

A great way to improve your IELTS score is by improving your IELTS vocabulary. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using synonyms for common words. Synonyms are words which mean the same and can be used to replace a word with a better one. Synonyms are of great help to get a good score in IELTS along with improving one's general vocabulary score.

There is a list of synonyms for common words which can help a great deal in getting you a good IELTS score

Dears, always stay tunned and keep checking our channel reqularly as the best things are coming!

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The Road To Success @IELTSC1
908 views꯭❍꯭➢꯭ ❲꯭❈❳꯭ Μ࿆ʀ࿆_࿆S࿆υ࿆ʟ࿆τ࿆σ࿆η࿆ϐ࿆ε࿆κ꯭࿆➣꯭ ❲꯭❧꯭❳꯭ ✹, edited  02:23
2022-10-07 05:22:37 Useful

A great way to improve your IELTS score is by improving your IELTS vocabulary. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using synonyms for common words. Synonyms are words which mean the same and can be used to replace a word with a better one. Synonyms are of great help to get a good score in IELTS along with improving one's general vocabulary score.

There is a list of synonyms for common words which can help a great deal in getting you a good IELTS score

Dears, always stay tunned and keep checking our channel reqularly as the best things are coming!

Sharing is caring


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661 views꯭❍꯭➢꯭ ❲꯭❈❳꯭ Μ࿆ʀ࿆_࿆S࿆υ࿆ʟ࿆τ࿆σ࿆η࿆ϐ࿆ε࿆κ꯭࿆➣꯭ ❲꯭❧꯭❳꯭ ✹, 02:22
2022-10-06 05:07:28 IELTS Writing Task 1: use adverbs!

The advice is about considering alternatives to adverbs. For example, look at these verb-adverb phrases:

• increase dramatically
• rise steadily
• decrease significantly
• fall gradually

These phrases are fine.
If you avoid adverbs in task 1, you'll end up using words like this: soar, rocket, shoot up, creep up, dive, plummet. These words are not appropriate for an academic-style report, so I recommend that you avoid them.

Remember that you can also use adjective-noun phrases:

• a dramatic increase
• a steady rise
• a significant decrease
• a gradual fall
The Road To Success @IELTSC1
2.9K views꯭❍꯭➢꯭ ❲꯭❈❳꯭ Μ࿆ʀ࿆_࿆S࿆υ࿆ʟ࿆τ࿆σ࿆η࿆ϐ࿆ε࿆κ꯭࿆➣꯭ ❲꯭❧꯭❳꯭ ✹, edited  02:07
2022-10-05 13:12:34 Speaking (IELTS) uchun uchun foydali iboralar


To begin with, …

First of all, …

I’d like to start with …

I’m going to tell you about…

The (point / idea / etc.) I’m going

to talk/speak about is/are….

I’d like to talk to you about….

I want to tell you about….

I would like to discuss…


The Road To Success @IELTSC1
3.9K views꯭❍꯭➢꯭ ❲꯭❈❳꯭ Μ࿆ʀ࿆_࿆S࿆υ࿆ʟ࿆τ࿆σ࿆η࿆ϐ࿆ε࿆κ꯭࿆➣꯭ ❲꯭❧꯭❳꯭ ✹, edited  10:12