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Telegram kanalining logotibi salul4hzab — Аш ойла ца йо те?
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Oxirgi xabar 4

2022-10-29 17:47:26 Do you really think someone who goes to public schools 8 hours a day, around 8 months a year, 12 years of his life — knowing what goes on in these schools — you think he will come out loving Allāh سبحانھ وتعالى, the Deen, and Tawheed, and the ‘Aqeedah properly? Or will he come out imitating the Kuffār, and falling into their sins and traps, and losing his identity and Tawheed?
- Shaykh Ahamad Musa Jibril
155 views14:47
2022-10-28 13:21:12 #NEW PDF RELEASE | Public Schools & Tarbiyyah Upon Tawheed by Shaykh Ahmad Mūsā Jibrīl (حفظه الله) | #AskAMJ

"This matter resurfaced into the spotlight, and many parents began to be concerned, after the issue of normalizing, and teaching, and encouraging the despicable Fāhishah of Qawm Lūt began to seep into their curriculums and schools. Prior to that, more dangerous than that, many had no regard to the effect these schools had on their children losing their Islāmic identity and their Tawheed."

— Shaykh Ahmad Mūsā Jibrīl (حفظه الله)
140 views10:21
2022-10-27 19:42:15 Ibn Mas’ūd said: “It is hard for us to memorize the words of the Qur’an, but easy for us to act upon it.

But those after us will find it easy to memorize the Qur’an, but hard to act upon it.”

[Tafsir Al-Qurtubī v. 1, p. 40]
198 views16:42
2022-10-26 12:22:56 The Best Woman of the Women of This Nation "Interestingly enough, when Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم used to remember Khadījah رضي الله عنها after her death, he would cite her support of him in prophethood & that she was the mother of his children. Most remember…
317 views09:22
2022-10-26 12:22:47 The Best Woman of the Women of This Nation

"Interestingly enough, when Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم used to remember Khadījah رضي الله عنها after her death, he would cite her support of him in prophethood & that she was the mother of his children. Most remember her today simply because she was allegedly a “CEO boss woman”.

She, رضي الله عنها, was a woman that the Prophet never ceased to remember fondly & lovingly, despite marrying multiple women after her passing. But we find that the reason that he remembered her and loved her so much, is far different from the reason many today remember her.

People today remember her as “an independent woman”, a “businesswoman”, an icon for feminists (a’udhu billah from such a statement), etc. But when Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم remembered her and spoke of her, what did he cite? Why did he love her so much? Not for the reasons people do today, but because she was such a GOOD AND SUPPORTIVE WIFE and because she was the MOTHER of his children! Not because she was a “businesswoman” or the likes.

To the dismay of most of the modern women who claim Islām, the major role she played in Islāmic history and what she was remembered for the most was being an amazing wife and mother.

Two roles they want to diminish the importance of and discourage Muslimāt from seeking.

Imagine a wife so supportive and believing of her husband’s Da’wah and prophethood and so loving that even after her death, his wives after her would feel jealousy just from the way he remembered and spoke of her.

That’s a type of wife and mother sisters should aspire to be."

— Copied from Twitter (@/swordsoftawheed)

عائِشَةَ ـ رضى الله عنها ـ قَالَتِ اسْتَأْذَنَتْ هَالَةُ بِنْتُ خُوَيْلِدٍ أُخْتُ خَدِيجَةَ عَلَى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم، فَعَرَفَ اسْتِئْذَانَ خَدِيجَةَ فَارْتَاعَ لِذَلِكَ، فَقَالَ ‏ "‏ اللَّهُمَّ هَالَةَ ‏"

Narrated A'ishah (رضى الله عنها): Once Hala bint Khuwaylid, Khadijah's sister, asked the permission of the Prophet (ﷺ) to enter. On that, the Prophet (ﷺ) remembered the way Khadijah used to ask permission, and that upset him. He said, "O Allah! Hala!"

What a woman she was! Even after her passing A'ishah (رضى الله عنها) used to say to the Prophet (ﷺ) about her:

كَأَنَّهُ لَمْ يَكُنْ فِي الدُّنْيَا امْرَأَةٌ إِلاَّ خَدِيجَةُ‏.

"(You treat Khadijah in such a way) as if there is no woman on earth except Khadijah."
201 views09:22
2022-10-26 11:21:34 : Шейх Яхья حَفِظَهُ الله
231 views08:21
2022-10-24 22:48:54 Навакъидуль-ислам,
Нохчийн маттахь.
274 viewsedited  19:48
2022-10-23 12:15:06
"An meine Tochter, ich wünsche mir, dass du für den Rest deines Lebens gesegnet und gesund bleibst, so wie es Khadījah, A'isha und Fatimāh waren (رضي الله عنهن). Deine Mutter und ich werden uns durch deine Abwesenheit leer fühlen, aber das ist die Realität. So werde ich dich mit meinem Segen gehen lassen. Dein dich liebender Vater."

[Ein Brief, den ein Vater, in der Nacht vor der Hochzeit seiner Tochter, geschrieben hat.]
314 views09:15
2022-10-22 23:14:28 Some in English translated books of Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله.
302 views20:14
2022-10-21 00:04:47 An important lesson I learned is that if you truly and sincerely want to avoid haram, Allah will make a way for you. Like Ahmad Jibril حفظه الله said,

Allah سبحانه وتعالى will never let something sacrificed for Him go in vain.

Not only avoiding it, but trusting His plan, knowing He is the best of planners. There’s many people today who struggle to leave their Haram jobs thinking they won’t find a well-paid job if they quit. Girls aswell feel the need to study and go to university because they don’t want to be dependant on their husbands or because they want to make sure to have an education ‘in case’ something happens to their husband (so that the wife ends up having to provide). I see the intention of these sisters, but these are exactly the situations where we need to put our trust in Allah and choose to avoid Haram ways.

Tell me truly: even if your husband was to fall seriously ill, unable to work, do you really believe that Allah wouldn’t find a way for your family to manage through? When you sincerely didn’t go to university because you didn’t want to spend times in sin by freemixing.

And you, who don’t want to leave your job where you earn Haram money, do you really believe that if you quit that job sincerely for His sake, that Allah doesn’t have immense Rizq in store for you? SubhanAllah, how can anyone even think Allah will return them empty-handed?

Have Tawakkul, trust The Greatest. If you’re anxious thinking about the future, ignore the if, but and in case. These are waswasa from shaytaan. Don’t cure that anxiety through haram ways, thinking you’re saving yourself from hardships. Rather turn this anxiety to Tawakkul knowing Allah is The All-Provider and that He will grant you whatever is meant for you.
279 views21:04