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Joey Yap

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Oxirgi xabar

2024-06-24 06:52:00 Hey Tribe I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve almost finalized the training topics for our highly anticipated NextGen event, happening this Friday through Sunday (June 28 to June 30). I’m super excited, and I want to thank all of you who have been sending me messages about the challenges the new generation faces as they start side gigs or figure out how to unlock their potential.

Here are some of the exciting topics I'm planning to be diving into (subejct to timing and changes):

•Setting Up Your Studio/Office: Learn how to create a space that not only looks good but also fuels your creativity and productivity. We’ll go beyond basic Feng Shui to design a workspace that helps you dominate your niche and build credibility in your market. Strangely this has been one of the most requested topics - how I did my own studios.

• Content Creation Mastery: Discover the secrets to creating great content that resonates with your audience or students. From the content creation process to launching your services/products, I'll be sharing some of my exeperiences in this. I've also got some experts who'd be coming to share of their ideas.

• Selling Your Services: Whether you’re offering consultations, coaching, or other services, it seems many people don't know how to do this effectively. So part of NextGen would include some of my experiences in marketing and selling what you offer.

• Becoming an Author and Coach: Ive written 187 books. Many people haven't even read 187 books. Let me share with you guys some insider tips on how to write a book (become an authority on the subject) and build a successful coaching business around what you teach. I'm planning to share some of my own journey (what workd and what didnt) and strategies to help you get started.

• Social Media Strategies: This one is one of the biggest request. I can't say I'm the best on thi subject matter. But I do have almost 3Million followers on Youtube alone. I can share some of my top social media tactics to grow your online presence and engage with your audience. Can't promise you will get a million followers, but im pretty sure, you will improve your business and market presence !

The NextGen event will focus primarily on practical life and business experience, with only about 15% dedicated to metaphysics. This means you’ll be getting a wealth of business skills and strategies that you can put to use right away.

I can’t wait to see you all there and help you unlock your full potential. Let’s make this event a transformative experience for everyone involved!

If you haven’t registered yet, make sure to secure your spot now. See you this weekend! click here

PS: nope. this event is only going to be done live in person, so no online recordings planned. If you want this, you feel this is what's missing in your business right now, then make it an effort to come or send your kids.
10.4K viewsedited  03:52
2024-06-13 07:52:45 One of the biggest reasons coaches don't get enough clients isn't because they're bad at coaching. It's because they struggle with the whole "getting clients" part.

It might not have crossed their minds that attracting clients is an intentional , strategic process. It involves many steps and a lot of work, and unfortunately, no one ever taught them how to do it.

It's pretty common – many great coaches and consultants think that just posting a few times on social media or doing some livestreams will bring clients knocking on their door. When that doesn’t happen, they end up feeling disappointed, which can really hit their confidence and self-esteem hard.

So, here's a tip for all you budding coaches out there: you need to put as much heart into the client-getting work as you did into learning your coaching skills. It takes time, energy, heart, money, and a lot of patience – and you have to do it consistently to create a steady flow of clients.

Even "word of mouth" needs a nudge from you. Ask your clients specifically to spread the word and reward them when they do. Nothing happens repeatedly by chance.

I’ll be sharing more ideas on how to attract clients at my NextGen event. Hope to see you there!
11.5K views04:52
2024-06-08 11:15:59
12.2K viewsedited  08:15
2024-06-07 05:37:02 Next Gen :
9.6K viewsedited  02:37
2024-06-06 08:56:47 ps: This in-person event will be a hands-on workshop. We’ve made the entry price very affordable for young adults, but we won't be able to broadcast it online via livestream. Sorry. Running a livestream session of an event involves hiring an entire specialized team, renting high-speed data lines, and setting up multiple cameras and AV equipment and expert timing an coordination. And a dedicated team just to manage the questions from the online attendees, managing the slides and what they get to see on their screens during the event. It’s an extremely costly and troublesome affair that many don’t see. So ya - sorry, no online livestream. Just in an inperson "workshop" this time.
11.9K views05:56
2024-06-06 08:56:47 I’ve been asked to teach the younger generation about using metaphysics and my business experience to approach money, career, relationships, and life – especially how to make that elusive “first million.” While money is not everything, but it is an essential part of life that one needs some guidance on.

Some “spiritually inclined” folks might scoff at the idea of focusing on money, claiming it’s not spiritual. But here’s the thing:

• It’s this very mindset that can cause financial struggles later in life, or even resentment towards money and perhaps, wealthier individuals. Your entire subconscious, their "spiritual self" or higher self - will never allow you to become someone you resent. Hence, many are indirectly manifesting blockages into their life.

• Money itself isn’t evil. It’s the "greed" for money that is. A lack of financial knowledge is at the root of many problems people face today.

• When used wisely, money can be a tool to help more people. If you’re spiritual, your “money flow” must be strong so that you could reach and impact more lives with your spiritual knowledge.

No amount of kindness and compassion alone will work if young adults have constant money problems. They need to be able to take care of themselves comfortably before they can care for their parents and others they love.

My greatest fulfillment comes from providing for my family, affording good education, creating great memories through vacations, and doing community work. All of this requires money. Even religious organizations need funding and constantly ask for donations.

That’s why a significant part of metaphysics, particularly feng shui, focuses on wealth and prosperity.

It makes sense for young adults to learn about money so they’re not controlled by it, but rather make it work for them to create their dreams and impact more lives. The first million is always the hardest, and many parents feel lost on how to guide their children.

Whether they’ve made it through trial and error and struggle to pass on their knowledge, or they’ve been spiritually rich but financially poor, many parents don’t know how to teach their kids about money. Young adults today are often unsure about their futures, and parents are worried about how they’ll cope in the “Period 9” era. They’re concerned their kids might lack emotional resilience or the courage to chase their dreams.

So, they asked me to step in and teach these important life and business skills. Up until now, my classes have always been designed for adults. But I’m excited to announce a special event just for the NEXT GENeration – aptly named “NEXT GEN.”

This is exactly why we need to teach the younger generation about money and hard work. Creating a successful life requires intentional effort. It’s not by accident that a person’s life is good; it’s by design.

I want to teach them the metaphysical and business knowledge they need to become more courageous, develop the right mindset, and possibly make that first million. More importantly, I want to help them become good human beings, manifest their goals, gain clarity on what they want to do with their lives, and live with purpose.

Imagine guiding these young minds to dream big and giving them the tools to turn those dreams into reality. Helping them understand that they can shape their destinies, be resilient in the face of challenges, and have the courage to pursue their passions.

It’s a big task, but one that’s definitely worth it. If we can help these young individuals find their path, understand the importance of emotional resilience, and cultivate the right mindset, we’ll set them on a course toward a fulfilling and successful life.

So if you have young adults or if you’d like to learn the life skills and business experience I have to share, join me at NEXT GEN. Here are the details:
11.2K views05:56
2024-06-04 06:33:42 During my recent China Excursion, I found myself in the company of some old students who are now parents of young adults. They had a heartfelt request that caught me by surprise – they want me to teach their kids about using metaphysics and my business experience to approach money, career, life - especially how to make that elusive “first million.” Apparently, the first million is the hardest, and they feel a bit lost on how to guide their children themselves.

Their kids, are a bit unsure about what they want to do with their lives. The parents are really worried about how they’ll cope in the upcoming "Period 9" era. They’re concerned that their kids might not have the right emotional resilience and, frankly, some are worried their kids might lack the courage to chase their dreams.

So, they asked me to step in and teach these important life and business skills. Up until now, my classes have always been designed for adults. The last time I taught a class specifically for the younger generation was about 12 years ago.

But you know what? This request has got me thinking last month. Hence, I’m putting together a special event just for the NEXT GENeration. I want to teach them the metaphysical and business (and life) knowledge they need to become more courageous, develop the right mindset, and possibly make that first million. But more importantly, I want to help them become good human beings, manifest their goals, gain clarity on what they want to do with their lives, and live with purpose.

Imagine guiding these young minds to not just dream, but dream big, and then giving them the tools to turn those dreams into reality. Helping them understand that they can shape their own destinies, be resilient in the face of challenges, and have the courage to pursue their passions.

It’s a big task, but one that’s definitely worth it. If we can help these young individuals find their path, understand the importance of emotional resilience, and cultivate the right mindset, we’ll be setting them on a course toward a fulfilling and successful life.

So if you have young adults or if you’d like to learn the life skills and business experience I have to share … join me in NEXT GEN. here are the details
15.6K viewsedited  03:33
2024-05-16 14:05:59 One of the recurring questions and biggest ‘asks’ I’ve received over the years is, “Can you teach my kids?” While I do work with individuals on this, my hectic schedule doesn’t always allow it, and my programs and content have traditionally been tailored towards success-minded business owners and professionals. The tone and language of my content are designed for those who have embarked on a path of growth, individuals who’ve tasted failure and understand how the real world operates, and those who appreciate values beyond the material world.

BUT, I’m working on something specifically for our FUTURE LEADERS.

This new initiative is geared for young aspiring entrepreneurs who are just starting their journey towards making their first million—which in my opinion is the hardest step. Wouldn’t it be great if there was someone to guide your kids through this challenging yet thrilling phase?

Would that be of interest to you? To have someone guide your kids (or yourself if you are one) through this special phase? If yes, give me a on this message. I’ll reveal more in time
10.1K views11:05
2024-05-15 09:45:39
Hey Tribe, just dropped in to say a quick hello and welcome to all our new members on my telegram channel. I am currently in Chengdu, leading my annual China Spiritual Excursion. If you are new to my channel, please introduce yourself and tell us where you are from and what aspects you wish to improve or transform in your life using QiMen, FengShui or BaZi ! Cheers
13.1K views06:45
2024-05-13 11:03:45 Hey tribe,

This week, my team helped put together a very handy guide – it’s FREE. As we were preparing some special content for our Feng Shui Academy members, we stumbled upon insights that I thought would benefit everyone here.

We often talk about the transformative power of good Feng Shui (good Qi), which brings abundance, prosperity, and 'good luck'. However, many are less familiar with the signs of BAD QI, which can subtly disrupt our lives. It starts small—maybe you're just not sleeping well. But never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep.

This guide will help you identify and address some of these hidden influences. I think at the very least, learn to recognize these issues. We’ve included some practical tips too. Make sure to download your copy today—it’ll be gone soon.
26.8K viewsedited  08:03