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Hey Tribe I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve almost finalized | Joey Yap

Hey Tribe I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve almost finalized the training topics for our highly anticipated NextGen event, happening this Friday through Sunday (June 28 to June 30). I’m super excited, and I want to thank all of you who have been sending me messages about the challenges the new generation faces as they start side gigs or figure out how to unlock their potential.

Here are some of the exciting topics I'm planning to be diving into (subejct to timing and changes):

•Setting Up Your Studio/Office: Learn how to create a space that not only looks good but also fuels your creativity and productivity. We’ll go beyond basic Feng Shui to design a workspace that helps you dominate your niche and build credibility in your market. Strangely this has been one of the most requested topics - how I did my own studios.

• Content Creation Mastery: Discover the secrets to creating great content that resonates with your audience or students. From the content creation process to launching your services/products, I'll be sharing some of my exeperiences in this. I've also got some experts who'd be coming to share of their ideas.

• Selling Your Services: Whether you’re offering consultations, coaching, or other services, it seems many people don't know how to do this effectively. So part of NextGen would include some of my experiences in marketing and selling what you offer.

• Becoming an Author and Coach: Ive written 187 books. Many people haven't even read 187 books. Let me share with you guys some insider tips on how to write a book (become an authority on the subject) and build a successful coaching business around what you teach. I'm planning to share some of my own journey (what workd and what didnt) and strategies to help you get started.

• Social Media Strategies: This one is one of the biggest request. I can't say I'm the best on thi subject matter. But I do have almost 3Million followers on Youtube alone. I can share some of my top social media tactics to grow your online presence and engage with your audience. Can't promise you will get a million followers, but im pretty sure, you will improve your business and market presence !

The NextGen event will focus primarily on practical life and business experience, with only about 15% dedicated to metaphysics. This means you’ll be getting a wealth of business skills and strategies that you can put to use right away.

I can’t wait to see you all there and help you unlock your full potential. Let’s make this event a transformative experience for everyone involved!

If you haven’t registered yet, make sure to secure your spot now. See you this weekend! click here

PS: nope. this event is only going to be done live in person, so no online recordings planned. If you want this, you feel this is what's missing in your business right now, then make it an effort to come or send your kids.