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IELTS with Soniya

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Telegram kanalining logotibi ieltswithsoniyamaratovna5200 — IELTS with Soniya
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Obunachilar: 18.61K
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🤩Overall: 8.0 | Writing: 7| speaking: 8|

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Oxirgi xabar 23

2023-03-26 10:26:03 Assalomu aleykum hello world

Long time, no talk

Let's activate some nice vocabularies to describe people today.

See yeah at

2.6K views07:26
2023-03-26 08:27:08 #Vocab_Money

Earn money - make money

Inherit money - receive money from a family member or friend after that person dies

Fortune - a lot of money

Make a deposit - put money into your bank account

Make a withdrawal- remove money from your bank account

Spend money - use money to buy things

Make a budget - a plan for how much to spend on things every month

Broke ( someone who is "broke "- has no money available

Waste / squander money - using money in a way that's not productive

If money is tight - (have very little money

Living expenses - The amount money u use to survive in everyday life )

Counterfeit bills - false paper money that is not legally valid

Exchange money- change money

Stick to the budget - continue following the plan

Save money

Emergency fund

Donating money - giving money without receiving anything anything in return

I try not to eat out at restaurants too often ; I'm trying to save money

We need to make a budget so that we don't end up spending more than we earn.

3.0K views05:27
2023-03-26 06:28:34
  Uzoq kutilgan yangilikka tayyormisz

IELTS with Soniya kanalida  o'zingizning shahsiy blogingiz yoki  rivojlanishi boshlayotgan kanalingizni  reklama qilish imkoniga egasiz
3.2K views03:28
2023-03-25 21:44:41
Good luck, my hardworking student.

I will try to help you guys in all ways possible
3.7K viewsedited  18:44
2023-03-25 21:34:10
Endi Mazza qilip uxlasam boladi

Meni o'quvchilarimga mazzami?
3.5K viewsedited  18:34
2023-03-25 18:03:04
Priceless Benefits of Being Patient

You can better focus on your long-term goals and dreams 

You can make more rational, realistic decisions

You have a better time learning new skills

You make others feel comfortable

You learn how to live a peaceful life, not a stressful one


1.5K views15:03
2023-03-25 17:01:52
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2.0K views14:01
2023-03-25 16:17:36 Har 2 minutda 1marta soatga qarayapsizlarmi
2.4K views13:17
2023-03-25 14:24:44 #Speaking
Part 1

What do you think “patience” is

Well, I think patience is a virtue. Unfortunately, nowadays most people are quite impatient. For example, many people want to get rich quickly but are not willing to get their hands dirty. So they always complain about life.

Do you think patience is important

Absolutely. I think it’s a quality that everybody should try to learn. In my opinion, learning to wait until the right time is the key to success. In fact, most successful entrepreneurs are very patient.

Do you think being patient is an important part of being polite

Yes, I think patience is an indicator of politeness. A polite person would never chew someone out for keeping them waiting. If there’s a good excuse for being late, a polite person would be willing to overlook such minor mistakes

Have you ever lost your patience

Well, yeah, without doubt, there has  been times when I lost my cool. For example, there was this one time, when I had to wait forever to be seated at a popular restaurant. Then someone suddenly cut in line and that really ticked me off.

Were you patient when you were young

I don’t really know, since I don’t have many childhood memories. It’s pretty common, however, for kids to easily lose patience as they don’t know how to keep their emotions in check. There may have been times I was patient, and times I was not.

P.S:These are not my answers

IELTS with Soniya
3.0K viewsedited  11:24
2023-03-25 11:15:44 1. Ism familyangiz? 2. Telegram raqamingiz? 3. Hozirgi speaking darajangiz 4. Target scoreiz? 5. Qachon imtihonga kirmoqchiligiz? Contact: @LS_Adminapril Yuqoridagi berilgan username ga lichkaga ma'lumotlarizni qoldiring Kanalda bu malumotlarni…
3.3K views08:15