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Telegram kanalining logotibi ielts_dunyosi — 🌎 IELTS DUNYOSI 🧑‍🏫
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🔍 Phrasal Verbs

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2022-10-02 20:18:30 Artiklsiz qo'llaniladigan turg'un birikmalar

Quyidagi birikmalar ingliz tilida artiklsiz qo'llaniladi. Ularni bilish testlarni ishlashda juda foydali hisoblanadi.

arm in arm - qoʻl ushlashib
ask for permission - ruxsat soʻramoq
at first - boshida
at first sight - bir koʻrishda
at peace - tinchlik davrida
in despair - chorasiz
in doubt - shubhada
in trouble - tashvishda
in love with - sevib qolgan
beyond recognition - tanib bo'lmas darajada
by accident - tasodifan
by chance - tasodifan
by heart - yoddan
by mistake - adashib, bilmasdan
do research - izlanish olib bormoq
from morning till night - ertalabdan kechgacha
have difficulty - qiynalmoq
have trouble - muammoga duch kelmoq
in charge of - javobgar, mas'ul
in common - umumiy, birga
in demand - bozori chaqqon
in debt - qarzdor, qarzga botgan
in person - shaxsan
in secret - mahfiy, yashirin
in vain - bekorga
in touch - aloqada
on account of - nomidan
take into account - hisobga olmoq
on horseback - ot ustida
on board - kemada
on deck - bortda
on leave - ta'tilda (mehnat, homiladorlik)
on purpose - ataylab
on sale - sotuvda
on strike -  ish tashlashda
out of date - eskirgan
out of doors - tashqarida
out of order - buzilgan
day after day - kundan kunga
take refuge - boshpana so'ramoq
in power - hokimiyatda

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
3.5K views17:18
2022-10-01 19:00:25 Collocations with "HAVE"

Have a bad temper  Have a backache
Have a bad fall         Have a baby
Have a bath              Have a birthday
Have a bite                Have a break
Have a busy day       Have a trip  
Have a career           Have a chance
Have a chat               Have a cold
Have a dance            Have a day off
Have a depression   Have a listen
Have a dispute          Have a doubt
Have a dream            Have a drill
Havea drink                Have a feeling
Have a good day!      Have a fit
Have a game              Have a goal
Have a discussion     Have a go
Have a good time      Have a fight   
Have an experience   Have a jog
Have a hard time        Have a haircut           
Have a headache       Have a holiday
Have a jacuzzi            Have a laugh
Have a lecture            Have a lesson
Have a lie down         Have a limp                 
Have a massage        Have a look                
Have a meal                Have a meeting
Have a moment          Have a nap
Have a night mare     Have a party
Have a passion for    Have a plan
Have a problem         Have a quarrel
Have a relationship   Have a rest
Have a ride                 Have a right
Have a safe journey  Have a run
Have a sandwich       Have a salad            
Have a scrub              Have a shave
Have a shower           Have a smell
Have a snack             Have a snooze
Have a stretch            Have a stroke
Have a swim               Have a talk
Have a temperature   Have a taste
Have a think                Have a touch
Have a try                     Have a walk
Have a wash                Have a wish
Have a workout           Have a word                
Have an accident        Have access
Have an appointment Have food
Have an effect              Have an event
Have an excuse            Have an exam              
Have an interview         Have an idea                
Have an opportunity    Have sex
Have difficulty               Have faith
Have an argument        Have fun
Have no education       Have no fear
Have patience               Have rest
Have self-esteem          Have room                     
Have breakfast              Have skills
Have success                Have soul                        
Have sympathy             Have time
Have trouble                  Have work

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
4.6K views16:00
2022-10-01 15:48:01 Prepositions Usage by


At home
At work
At school
At university
At college
At a concert
At the center
At the bus station
At the top of the page
At the end of the road
At the entrance
At the top
At the bottom
At the side


In the garden
In a box
In my pocket
In my wallet
In a car
In a taxi
In the sky
In the mirror
In the world
In Iran
In London
In the living room
In the book
In the picture
In a row


On the wall
On the door
On the floor
On the carpet
On the menu
On the page
On the street
On the train
On the plane
On the ship
On a horse
On a motorcycle
On a bicycle
On television
On the radio
On the telephone
On internet
On the way
On his face

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
3.4K views12:48
2022-10-01 13:37:13 100 Ways to Say "Great!"

Admirable!        Amazing!
Arresting!          Astonishing!
Astounding!      Awesome!
Awe-inspiring!  Beautiful!
Breathtaking!    Brilliant!
Capital!              Captivating!
Clever!                Commendable!
Delightful!          Distinguished!
Distinctive!        Engaging!
Enjoyable!          Estimable!
Excellent!           Exceptional!
Exemplary!        Exquisite!
Extraordinary!   Fabulous!
Fantastic!          Fascinating!
Finest!                First-rate!
Flawless!            Four-star!
Glorious!            Grand!
Impressive!        Incomparable!
Incredible!          Inestimable!
Invaluable!         Laudable!
Lovely!                Magnificent!
Marvelous!        Masterful!
Mind-blowing!   Mind-boggling!
Miraculous!       Monumental!
Notable!             Noteworthy!
Out of sight!     Out of this world!
Outstanding!     Overwhelming!
Peerless!            Perfect!
Phenomenal!     Praiseworthy!
Priceless!           Rapturous!
Rare!                   Refreshing!
Remarkable!      Sensational!
Singular!            Skillful!
Smashing!         Solid!
Special!              Spectacular!
Splendid!            Splendiferous!
Splendorous!     Staggering!
Sterling!              Striking!
Stunning!            Stupendous!
Super!                 Superb!
Super-duper!      Superior!
Superlative!        Supreme!
Surprising!          Terrific!
Thumbs up!        Thrilling!
Tiptop!                 Top-notch!
Transcendent!    Tremendous!
Unbelievable!      Uncommon!
Unique!                Unparalleled!
Unprecedented!  Wonderful!
Wondrous!           World-class!

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
3.6K views10:37
2022-09-30 10:33:48 Predloglar

in -  ichida

inside - ichida

into - ichiga

near - yonida

next - yonida, atrofida

of…. - ning

on - Ustida, ichida

opposite - qarama-qarshi

out….- dan

outside - tashqarida

over - tepasida, o’stida

per - uchun

plus - qo’shuv

round - taxminan

since…- dan beri

than… - dan ko’ra

through - orasidan, orqali

till - gacha

to….- ga

toward…- ga

under- tagida, pastida

unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan

until - gacha

up…- ga, …da

with - bilan

with in - ichida

without… - siz

two words - ikta so’zlar

according to…- ga qaraganda

because of - sababida, tufayli

close to - yaqinda

except for - dan tashqari

far from - dan uzoq

inside of…. - Ichida

instead of…- dan ko’ra

near to….- ga yaqin

next to… -dan keyin

outside of… - dan tashqari

prior to….- Gacha

three words - uchta so’zlar

as far as… - gacha

as well as… - ga o’xshab

in addition to…- ga

in front of… - qarshisida

in spite of…- dan ko’ra

on behalf of…- nomidan

on top of… - tepasida

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
4.4K views07:33
2022-09-28 19:02:12 VARY YOUR LANGUAGE

As with any Writing task 1, this is important.  You should not keep repeating the same structures.  The key language when you write about pie charts is proportions and percentages.

Common phrases to see are the proportion of… or the percentage of…

Percentage Fraction

80% = four-fifths
75% three-quarters
70% = seven in ten
65% = two-thirds
60% = three-fifths
55% = more than half
50% = half
45% = more than two fifths
40% = two-fifths
35% = more than a third
30% = less than a third
25% = a quarter
20% = a fifth
15% = less than a fifth
10% = one in ten
5% = one in twenty

Percentage Qualifier

77% =  just over three quarters
77% = approximately three quarters
49% = just under a half
49% = nearly a half
32% = almost a third

Percentage proportion / number / amount / majority / minority

75% - 85% = a very large majority
65% - 75% = a significant proportion
10% - 15% = a minority
5% = a very small number

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
4.2K viewsedited  16:02
2022-09-28 16:57:14
Choose the correct answer
............ are built to prevent people from illnesses
Anonymous Quiz
441 voters3.1K views13:57
2022-09-27 18:59:50 IELTS ga to’g’ri tayyorgarlik | Useful Hints

Siz IELTS topshirishga qaror qildingiz – buning uchun sizga birinchi navbatda samarali va effektiv tayyorgarlik uchun reja zarur.

Chunki aynan togri qoyilgan maqsad hamda tuzilgan reja vaqtingizni, pulingizni tejaydi va sizni yuqori ball olishingizni taminlaydi.

Nega IELTS ga tayyorgarlik qiyin kichadi?

Javob oddiy, malumotlar hamda manbalar juda ham kop, oquvchi qaysi bir manbaga ishonish, qaysi malumotni ishlatishni aniqlab olguncha kop vaqt yoqotib qoyadi.

IELTS bir qancha oy vaqtni hamda yetarlicha mablag sarfni talab qiladi , agar to’g’ri vaqtingizni va imkoniyatingizni to’g’ri taqsimlay olsangiz kutilgan natijaga erishish mumkin.

Agar Umumiy ingliz tili darajangiz past bolsa, shunchaki IELTS uchun moljallangan practice test larni yechib, IELTS hint larini organish sizga yuqori ball olishingizni kafolatlamaydi.

Agar darajangiz boshlangich (beginner) bolsa yaxshi ortacha organib olishingiz uchun 5-6 oy muddat intensive tayyorgarlik korishingizni maslahat bergan bolardik. (bu vaqt orasida 0- dan IELTS 5.0 ga chiqib olishingiz mumkin.)

IELTS testi da 4 ta asosiy qismlari mavjud bolib, Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking. Bunda har bir qism uchun sizdan alohida tajriba va bilim talab qilinadi.

Misol uchun:

Academic test da oquvchilarga writing qismi boyicha Task 1 da 7 xil savol turidan qaysidir biriga javob berishlari kerak boladi.

Listening qismida esa 10 xildan ortiq turli xil savollar turi mavjud. Takidlab otkanimizdek, har biri uchun alohida bilim va tajriba zarur.

Yuqorida keltirib otganlarimiz aynan IELTS ga tayyorgarlik paytida koproq etibor berilishi zarur bolgan taraflaridir. Koplab taniqli IELTS maktablari buning uchun oquvchilarga 2-3 oy vaqt ajratishlarini maslahat berishadi.

Va songgi maslahatimiz bu – koproq oz ustingizda ishlang ! Eng muhimi kamchiliklaringizni bilish va ularni togri bartaraf etsangiz kutgan natijangizga erishish hech gap emas !

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
3.0K viewsedited  15:59