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2022-10-24 18:39:02 Advanced Vocabulary ⅞
Topic: Business & Work

Band 7+

= job
Overtime = extra working hours
Rewarding = satisfying
Deadline = due date
Recruit = take on new staff
Negotiate = discuss details
Colleague = person you work with
Financial = related to money Employee = worker

Band 8+

= involving competition
Household = related to houses
Flexibility = ability to adapt
Delegate = give tasks to others
Monopoly = no competitors
Demanding = need a lot of attention
High-street = ordinary or traditional
Ambitious = determined to succeed
Entrepreneur = a person who starts businesses.

Video yuklovchi

@IELTS_darslari_bot | @Ingliz_tili_IELTS_1
4.2K views15:39
2022-10-24 08:32:33 Advanced Vocabulary ⅞
Topic: Art

Band 7+

= full of emotions
Comical = funny
Atmosphere = mood or feeling
Entertaining = providing amusement
Lively = full of energy
Participate = take part
Exhibition = a public display
Perform = play or act on stage
Subjective = personal view
Tedious = boring / tiresome

Band 8+

= people who watch/listen
Sacrifice = give up
Moving = causing sadness
Influence = cause S to change
Inspire = make you want to do smth
Convey = communicate or express
Venue = where an even happens
Spectator = person watch a live event
Interactive = actively involving user
Escapism = a way to avoid reality

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
3.4K views05:32
2022-10-19 13:40:10 IELTS Vocabulary Booster

500 + words which are absolutely essential to achieve 7+
9 popular writing topics explained and illustrated
Vocabulary learning techniques

Topics Covered:
Education Environment
Globalization Food
Technology Health
Crime Outer Space

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
4.4K views10:40
2022-10-19 08:32:12 Shopping Expressions

Do the shopping
= to go shopping regularly to buy food and other necessities

Go bargain hunting
= to spend time in the shops looking for items to buy at the lowest price

Go window shopping
= to look at things in shop windows,
without actually purchasing anything

Shopping therapy
= buying things makes one feel better

Go shopping
= to go to shops to buy things

= a person addicted to shopping

Cost a fortune
= to be very expensive

Go on a shopping spree
= to enjoy a lively outing, usually with much spending of money

Shop till you drop
= to go shopping until one is tired

Splash out on something
= to buy smth even though it is expensive

Cost an arm and a leg
= to be very expensive

Be good value for money
= to be worth the money spent on smth

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
3.6K views05:32
2022-10-18 12:29:44 Advanced Vocabulary ⅞  
Topic: Community

Band 7+

Antisocial = against society
Conform = follow the rules
Cooperate = work together
Mindset = attitude
Minority = small percentage
Shun = avoid
Conventional = traditional
Interaction = communication
Pressure = stress
Conduct = behavior

Band 8+

= Helpful or thoughtful
Mainstream = common or average
Civilization = culturally advanced society
Supportive = helpful and encouraging
Appropriate = suitable
Engage = join in or get involved
Voluntary = done willingly
Charitable = helping the poor or needy
Foster = help something grow
Multicultural = having different cultures

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
2.9K views09:29
2022-10-18 06:29:23 Synonyms to use instead of "VERY"

Very noisy                  Deafening
Very often                  Frequently
Very old                      Ancient
Very old-fashioned.  Archaic
Very open                   Transparent
Very painful                Excruciating
Very pale                     Ashen
Very perfect                Flawless
Very poor                    Destitute
Very powerful.           Compelling
Very pretty                  Beautiful
Very quick                   Rapid
Very quiet                    Hushed
Very rainy                    Pouring
Very rich                      Wealthy
Very sad                      Sorrowful
Very scared                Petrified
Very scary                   Chilling
Very serious                Grave
Very sharp                   Keen
Very shiny                    Gleaming
Very short                    Brief
Very shy                       Timid
Very simple                 Basic

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
3.3K viewsedited  03:29
2022-10-12 16:13:16 IELTS vocabulary
"Health & fitness"

Band 7+

Allergic = react badly to smth
Harmful = unsafe
Appetite = desire for food
Lifestyle = the way you live
Ingredients = contents of food
Recovery = getting better(from illness)
Hunger = need for food
Nutritious = full of VIT
Treatment = medical care
Suffer = feel pain

Band +8

Sedentary = sitting a lot or inactive
Psychological = mental
Beneficial = helpful / positive
Intake = amount you take in
Detrimental = harmful / negative
Eradicate = get rid of /eliminate / wipe out
Well-being = health and happiness
Severity = how serious something is Preventive
Additives = chemicals added to food

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
1.3K views13:13
2022-10-12 14:02:19
Thompson school o'quv markazinig rasmiy kanali.

bepul IELTS uchun bo'lgan ma'lumotlar

video darslar

Reading, listening, writing, speaking bo'yicha testlar

#free #ielts #materials #lessons

1.3K views11:02
2022-10-12 12:34:14 Expressing your opinions

In my opinion
I would say ...
To my mind
I tend to think         
Personally I think    
I firmly believe        
In my experience    
To the best of my knowledge,
From my point of view
As far as I'm concerned
As far as I can see 
What I think is this ...
I'd like to point out. ..
It is a good idea to ...

It is said that ...
It is believed that ...
It is thought that. .. 
It is expected that ...
It is considered ...
It is understood ... 
It is known that ...
It is reported that ...
It is alleged that ...
it is asserted that ...

IELTS olamiga kirish uchun bosing
1.8K views09:34
2022-10-12 12:05:00
Hoziroq ro'yxatdan o'tib Talabalar safidan joy egallang!

O'zbekistonda Talaba bo'lish imkoniyatini qo'ldan boy bermang


Ushbu universitetda kunduzgi, kechki va sirtqi taʼlim shakllarida tahsil olishingiz mumkin:

ona tili va adabiyot;
boshlangʻich taʼlim;
maktabgacha taʼlim;
filologiya va tillarni oʻqitish (tillar boʻyicha);
Kompyuter injiniring;
pedagogika va psixologiya;
iqtisodiyot (tarmoqlar va sohalar boʻyicha);
Jismoniy madaniyat

Xorijiy OTMlar talabalari oʻqishini mos va turdosh yoʻnalishlarga 2,3-kursdan koʻchirishlari (перевод) mumkin.

Qabul tugashiga sanoqli kunlar qoldi.

Batafsil ma'lumot va hujjatlar qabuli uchun telefonlar

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746 views09:05