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Telegram kanalining logotibi reading_vocabulary — Reading and vocabulary
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Til: Oʻzbek tili
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Oxirgi xabar

2023-05-21 18:43:18 Reading Practice

Are electric cars really eco-friendly?

Electric-car drivers are saving the planet, right? Their vehicles produce none of the pollutants that dinosaur-burning, fossil-fuel-powered machines do. That is the standard view, and governments around the world provide incentives to encourage the uptake of this new technology.

That is why a Tesla owner got a rude shock when he went to import his vehicle into Singapore - the first person to do so. The Tesla Model S is a 100% electric vehicle. It does not have an exhaust to emit from. So what happened?

Instead of an expected rebate of around S$15,000 (US$10,800) he received a fine of the same amount for being a gross polluter. The company commented the incident, "The Model S that our customer imported into Singapore left our factory only two years ago with energy consumption rated at 181 Wh/km. This qualifies as the cleanest possible category of car in Singapore and entitles the owner to an incentive rather than a fine."

The Singapore authorities calculated the ‘carbon cost’ of generating the electricity that will be used to charge the car. This is the elephant in the trunk of electric vehicles. Where and how the power is produced is not often considered, but perhaps it should be. Let’s move the elephant up to the passenger seat and address it directly.

The authorities in Singapore apparently found the Tesla in question consumes 444 watt-hours of electricity per km (Wh/km) in tests. Without wanting to get too maths-heavy, the number of 444Wh/km does seem high. And as we still need power stations to produce such amount electric energy, the environmental impact is not so small as it seemed to be.

But what about the bigger picture - should we be factoring in the emissions of power stations when working out how green an electric car is? The logical answer is yes. Emissions shifted elsewhere are still emissions, and CO2 impacts the global atmosphere wherever it is released.

Now let’s look at the questions:

What is the aim of this text?

A) To discourage people from visiting Singapore
B) To prove that electric cars are less eco-friendly than fossil-fuel-powered machines
C) To show that we need to count the emissions of power stations to see how green an electric car is.

When the owner of the electric car went to Singapore, he received

A) a rebate of around US$10,800
B) a fine of around US$10,800
C) a fine of around US$15,000

To prove that electric car was a gross polluter, the authorities in Singapore calculated the ...................... of generating the electricity to charge the car.

@Reading_Vocabulary join us
1.3K views15:43
2023-05-21 17:29:50
Arab davlatlarida qizlarning bu joyini balog'atga yetmasdanoq kesib tashlashadi va uning natijasida 30% qizlar bunga chidolmay vafot etishadi. Gap shundaki qizlar 14 yoshdan o'tgandan keyin u joylarini kesib tashlashga majbur.
Sababi esa....
1.6K views14:29
2023-05-21 15:59:02 Phrasal verbs

chance upon - tasodifan ko’rib qolmoq

change around - atrofni o’zgartirmoq

change into - holat va vaziyatni o’zgartirmoq; kiyimini almashtirmoq

change out of - kiyimini almashtirmoq

clock up - ma’lum bir miqdorga yetishmoq

club together - pul yig’moq (jamoa b-n)

close up - yopib tashlamoq

close down - ishlashdan toxtamoq (kompaniya uchun)

come off - muvaffaqiyatli chiqmoq

come on - rivojlanmoq

come up with - biror narsa haqida o’ylamoq

cut off - ta’minotni toxtatmoq

come on - namoyish qilina boshlamoq

come out - chop etmoq

come forward - yordam yoki ma’lumot taklif etmoq

come down with - og’ir kasalikga chalinmoq

come round/to - xushiga kelmoq

come (a) round (to) - o’ziga kelmoq

come across - tasodifan duch kelmoq

come by - olishi qiyin bo’lgan narsani olmoq

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1.6K views12:59
2023-05-21 15:29:01
𝗔𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗶𝗯 X𝘂𝘀𝗵𝘅𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗿

Oʻzbekistonda barcha Universitet va institutlarning kirish ballari e'lon qilindi. ( Sodda koʻrinishida. Tushunishga oson)

Oʻzingizga kerakli viloyatni tanlang.

Buxoro OTMlar
Navoi OTMlar
Samarqand OTMlar
Jizzax OTMlar
Andijon OTMlar
Namangan OTMlar
Farg'ona OTMlar
Toshkent OTMlar
Xorazm OTMlar
Qashqadaryo OTMlar
Surxondaryo OTMlar
Barcha OTMlar

Batafsil maʼlumot olish uchun bosing . . .
1.6K views12:29
2023-05-21 04:26:31
Shu kunlarda general englishga kurs so'rab yozayotganlarning soni ko'paydi.

3 oylik ya'ni IELTSga kirishga tayyorlov kurslarimiz ochilish arafasida

Bu kurs kimlar uchun:

Ingliz tilini yaqinda o'rganishni boshlagan yoki ingliz tilini o'rganayotgan intelektuallar uchun.

Kurs maqsadi Ingliz tilini endi o'rganayotganlarni 6- 6.5 ga chiqarish

Kursda nimalar o'rgatiladi.

1.Grammer butunlay tugatiladi.
2.Listening uchun 3 dona kitobdan foydalaniladi+kunlik podcast and movies.
3.Teacherlar tomonidan tayyorlangan 3 reading kitob va qo'llash usulu o'rgatiladi.(kitob vaqtida 80.000 so'mdan sotilgan)
4.Writingga kirish.
5.Speaking uchun gruhlar tashkil qilinadi va kuniga 1 soat active listening uchun sharoit yaratiladi.

Kurs narxi barchaga to'g'ri kelishi uchun  1 oyga 70.000 deb belgiladik.

Kursni C1 darajaga ega 2 ta o'qituvchi tomonidan olib boriladi.

Kursga qatnashish uchun shu accauntga yozing- @Iamhere_o
1.9K views01:26
2023-05-20 17:37:55
Диққат Топишмоқ!

Қайси нарсани.
Хомлигича еб бўлмайди
Ва пишгандан кейин бари-бир
Ташлаб юборилади

Бу топишмоқнинг жавобини 99% одам топа олмас екан, сизчи ?
Жавобни билиш
2.3K views14:37
2023-05-20 17:01:16

Графика ва дизайн "SMM"
Дастурлаш "IT" соҳасига

Гарантия берилади

Telegram Kanalimiz


Узбекистон буйлаб доставкамиз текин


Эндиликда бошка вилоятдаги МИЖОЗЛАРИМИЗ учун 5% ТУ́ЛОВНИ у́тказиб колган 95% ни ноутбукни Ку́лига олганидан кейин у́тказишлар мумкин
2.2K views14:01
2023-05-20 15:59:02 Learning and doing

achieve - erishmoq
brain - miya
clever - aqlli
concentrate - fikrni jamlamoq
consider - deb hisoblamoq
course - kurs
degree - daraja
experience - tajriba qilmoq, tajriba
expert - ekspert, o'z ishini ustasi
fail - muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchramoq
guess - tahmin qilmoq, tahmin
hesitate - ikkilanmoq
instruction - qo'llanma
make progress - yuksalmoq
make sure - ishonch hosil qilmoq
mark - baholamoq, baho
mental - aqliy
pass - imtihondan o'tmoq
qualification - tajriba, malaka
remind - eslatmoq
report - hisob bermoq, hisobot
revise - qaytadan ko'rib chiqmoq
search - qidirmoq
skill - mahorat
smart - aqlli
subject - fan
take an exam - imtihon topshirmoq
talented - talantli
term - termin
wonder - hayratlanmoq

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2.1K views12:59
2023-05-20 15:29:01
DUOLINGO 130=IELTS 7+ (garantiya)

Atigi 350$

Bu test natijasi bilan siz bemalol
AQSH universitetlariga topshirsangiz boladi

Koproq malumot uchun kanalimizga qoshiling
2.1K views12:29
2023-05-19 17:59:02 Word formation

act - harakat qilmoq
action - harakat
(in)active - (no)faol
actor - aktyor

athlete - atlet
athletic - atletik
athletics - atletika

child - bola
children - bolalar
childhood - bolalik

collect - yig'moq
collection - kolleksiya
collector - yig'uvchi

entertain - ko'ngilxushlik qilmoq
entertainment - ko'ngilxushlik

hero - qahramon
heroic - qahramonlarcha
heroine - qahramon ayol

music - musiqa
musical - musiqiy
musician - musiqachi

play - o'ynamoq
player - o'yinchi
playful - o'yinqaroq

sail - suzmoq
sailing - suzish, dengiz safari
sailor - dengizchi

sing - kuylamoq
sang - sing fe'lining o'tgan zamon shakli
sung - sing fe'lining past participle shakli
song - kuy
singer - kuylovchi, qo'shiqchi
singing - kuylash

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2.7K views14:59