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BM | IELTS 9.0

Telegram kanalining logotibi bekzodmirahmedov — BM | IELTS 9.0 B
Telegram kanalining logotibi bekzodmirahmedov — BM | IELTS 9.0
Kanal manzili: @bekzodmirahmedov
Toifalar: Tillar
Til: Oʻzbek tili
Obunachilar: 41.07K
Kanalning ta’rifi

IELTS 9.0 | L9 R9 W8.5 S9
Founder of @ieltszone_uz
Kurslar haqida 👉 55 511-09-09

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Oxirgi xabar 3

2024-03-20 17:34:41 Any hip-hop fans out there?

13.0K viewsBekzod Mirahmedov, 14:34
2024-03-20 10:22:57

This is one of those OXFORD 5000 words, which means an ESL student (who is at an advanced level) should be able to use it flexibly.
13.8K viewsBekzod Mirahmedov, 07:22
2024-03-19 20:48:56 Sorry I have been away. I’ve been busy playing an OTB (over the board) chess tournament. This has brought up some good memories from my time in the US back in 2005/06. That’s when I played in a few official chess tournaments. And then I limited myself to only online chess up until now.

I am not planning to play chess seriously, but I do wanna pursue my hobby now that I am somewhat close to my dream retirement age. So I might be playing one or two big tournaments a year.

But teaching and IELTS will always play a crucial part in my life. In fact, I might challenge myself to a group or two after the Ramadan.

Speaking of challenges, how’s the Ramadan Challenge coming along for you guys? Tomorrow we are going to have one of the best sessions with one of our most fun teachers- Ulugbek Tulqinov!
12.6K viewsBekzod Mirahmedov, edited  17:48
2024-03-18 04:45:59 Day 3 of the #RamadanChallenge is on!

Go to the channel to join the lesson in progress and not to miss the rest of the challenge!
14.4K viewsBekzod Mirahmedov, 01:45
2024-03-13 22:54:05 The DAY ONE of #RamadanChallenge is scheduled to kick off in about 5 hours!

Speaker: Dovudkhon Abdullayev (band 9.0)

Topic: Developing a strong argument (Writing Task 2)
22.0K viewsBekzod Mirahmedov, edited  19:54
2024-03-13 22:22:55 #Eminem #NewSong 2024

Any Eminem fans out there?
He’s just dropped a new song/video.

And I left a comment there. Feel free to find it to “like” it just for the heck of it :)

19.6K viewsBekzod Mirahmedov, edited  19:22
2024-03-13 20:04:18

Aytgancha IELTS ZONE ni tarixi Facebookdagi IELTS in Uzbekistan guruxiga borib taqalishini bilarmidingiz?

U guruxga 2014-yilda asos solganman va o’z davrida IELTS bo’yicha O’zbekistondagi kam sonli va eng katta ma’lumotlar manbai bo’lgan.

Keyinchalik, 2015/16 yillarda Facebook blokka tushgach, O’zbekistonda Instagram va boshqa social media platformalari keng tarqaladi va Facebook hech qachon o’z statusiga qayta olmaydi.

Lekin baribir IELTS in Uzbekistan guruxi bilan faxrlanaman chunki aynan u hozirda yetishib chiqqan top IELTS ekspertlarining ko’pchiligi uchun “maktab” vazifasini o’tab bergan va kelajakda shu yo’nalishda ketishiga oz bo’lsa ham o’z xissasini qo’sha olgan.

Aytgancha, bugun ushbu guruxdagi a’zolar soni 32,000 ga yetgani bilan Facebook mani tabrikladi. Shunchaki nostalgiya…
15.4K viewsBekzod Mirahmedov, edited  17:04
2024-03-13 11:56:50

IELTS ZONE jamoasi eng kuchli instruktorlari bilan birgalikda IELTS kandidatlari uchun Ramazon Challenge tashkillashtirmoqda.

Challenge davomidagi darslar Bekzod Mirahmedov va IELTS 8.5 - 9.0 ballga ega o'qituvchilarimiz tomonidan o'tiladi.

Ushbu challengeda siz ham qatnashib o'z bilimingiz va ballingizni oshirishingiz aniq

Challenge’da qatnashish mutlaqo bepul! Faqat sharti, do'stlaringizni xabardor qiling

Challengeda qatnashish uchun ushbu havolaga bosing

Darslar sahar payti IELTS ZONE telegram kanalida 06:00 dan 07:00 gacha bo'lib o'tadi. Sanalar kalendarimizda berilganidek

12.8K viewsBekzod Mirahmedov, 08:56
2024-03-11 15:23:54 Up for a new, ‘Ramadan’ challenge? Say if I were to start a new challenge, what would you want its focus to be on?
15.2K viewsBekzod Mirahmedov, edited  12:23
2024-03-10 20:13:39 Up for a new, ‘Ramadan’ challenge?

Say if I were to start a new challenge, what would you want its focus to be on?
15.7K viewsBekzod Mirahmedov, 17:13