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U.S. Embassy Tashkent

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Telegram kanalining logotibi usauzbekistan — U.S. Embassy Tashkent
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Kanal manzili: @usauzbekistan
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Til: Oʻzbek tili
Obunachilar: 27.63K
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2024-05-08 15:04:27
U.S. Embassy Tashkent is proud to join forces with the Prosecutor General’s Office and UNODC to combat corruption!

The new INL-sponsored project, launched on May 7, focuses on improving the effectiveness of Uzbekistan’s asset recovery system and enhancing cross-border collaboration.

Together, we're stepping up the fight against corruption.
11.8K views12:04
2024-05-08 08:02:33
AQSh elchixonasida ishlashning afzalliklari haqida ushbu savol-javob videomizdan bilib oling!

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Check out our Q&A video on the benefits of working at the U.S. Embassy.
10.5K views05:02
2024-05-07 18:04:16
Sog'liqni saqlash uchun informatika va ma'lumotlar fani (IDASH) stipendiya dasturining birinchi guruhining bitiruvchilarini tabriklaymiz! IDASH aholi darajasidagi salomatlik natijalarini yaxshilash uchun ishonchli ma'lumotlarni oladigan, boshqaradigan, tahlil qiladigan, tarqatadigan va ishlatadigan sog'liqni saqlash axborot tizimlarini yaratish va ulardan foydalanish uchun sog'liqni saqlash ishchi kuchini mustahkamlaydi.

Yil davomida o‘zbekistonlik bitiruvchilar yuqumli kasalliklar bo‘yicha hisobotlarni real vaqt rejimida xaritalash uchun boshqaruv paneli yaratish ustida ishladilar. Tabriklaymiz!

Batafsil ma'lumot

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Congratulations to the graduates of the first cohort of the Informatics and Data Science for Health (IDASH) Fellowship! IDASH strengthens the public health workforce to create and use public health information systems that capture, manage, analyze, disseminate, and use reliable data to improve population-level outcomes.

Throughout the year, the graduates from Uzbekistan have worked to create a dashboard for real-time mapping of infectious disease case reporting. Congratulations!

Learn more here

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Поздравляем выпускников первой группы стипендиальной программы «Информатика и наука о данных для здравоохранения» (IDASH)! IDASH укрепляет кадры общественного здравоохранения для создания и использования информационных систем в здравоохранении, которые помогают собирать, управлять, анализировать, распространять и использовать надежные данные для улучшения здоровья населения.

В течение года выпускники из Узбекистана работали над созданием информационной панели для картирования отчетности о случаях инфекционных заболеваний в режиме реального времени. Поздравляем!

Узнайте больше здесь
10.0K views15:04
2024-05-07 12:03:18
Toshkentdagi AQSh Elchixonasi, murojaatchilar uchun yanada qulay imkoniyatlarni yaratish maqsadida, tez kunlarda shartnoma asosida qo'shimcha xizmatlarni yo'lga qo'yishini mamnuniyat bilan e'lon qiladi.

2024-yilning 10-Iyunidan e'tiboran, murojaatchilar noimmigratsion viza murojaati uchun to'lovni avvaldan ikki usulda: O'zbekistondagi belgilangan bank bo'linmasi orqali mahalliy valyutada yoki onlayn tarzda AQSh dollarida amalga oshirishlari mumkin bo'ladi.

Shuningdek, viza murojaatchilari ma'qullangan vizalarni, tegishli hujjatlarni taqdim etish bo'linmasidan qabul qilib olishlari yoki qo'shimcha to'lov orqali, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri o'z uylariga yoki ofisga yetkazish xizmatidan foydalanishlari mumkin bo'ladi.

Butun jamoamiz bilan birgalikda,mijozlarimizga yanada sifatli xizmat ko'rsatishimiz uchun, ushbu xizmatlarni joriy etilishini intizorlik bilan kutmoqdamiz. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot tez kunlarda taqdim etiladi.

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Посольство США в Ташкенте с радостью сообщает о скором внедрении новых услуг на контрактной основе по предоставлению более удобных возможностей для наших заявителей.

Начиная с 10 июня 2024 года, заявители смогут выбрать один из двух новых вариантов предварительной оплаты сбора за подачу заявления на неиммиграционную визу: в узбекских сумах в отделениях уполномоченного банка в Узбекистане, или онлайн в долларах США.

У заявителей также будет выбор получить одобренные визы в пунктах выдачи документов или воспользоваться услугами по доставке документов непосредственно в офис или к себе домой за дополнительную оплату.

Вся команда посольства с нетерпением ожидает введения данных услуг для более качественного обслуживания наших клиентов. Дополнительная информация будет предоставлена в ближайшее время.
13.9K views09:03
2024-05-06 13:54:48
One day in the life:

Celebrating Independence Day at the U.S. Embassy Tashkent
9.8K viewsedited  10:54
2024-05-03 07:29:01
Celebrating YPIP Success Stories

We're thrilled to share the success stories of our Young Professional Internships Program (YPIP) 2023 alumni! Funded by US Embassy Tashkent and the implementation by American Councils, YPIP has empowered these talented individuals to achieve remarkable milestones in their careers.

Their inspiring journeys highlight the importance of seizing opportunities and working hard. If you're interested in learning more about their stories, follow the LINK

#YPIPAlumni #YPIPSuccessStories
13.2K views04:29
2024-05-02 08:46:06
Farg'onadan quvonarli yangilik!

AQSH elchisi Jonatan Henik USAIDning  yoshlarni ishga joylashish ko‘nikmalarini shakllantirish (YES) dasturi doirasida 15 - umum ta'lim maktabi va Constant Trading Jeans korxonasi faoliyatlari bilan tanishdi.

Maktab o'quvchilari,  o'qituvchilar va tadbirkorlar birgalikda ishga tayyorgarlik bo'yicha ilg'or dasturlar va amaliy o'rganish orqali kelajakni qanday shakllantirayotganiga bevosita guvoh bo'ling. 

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Exciting update from Ferghana, Uzbekistan!

U.S. Ambassador Jonathan Henick visited School #15 and Constant Trading Jeans Factory with USAID's Youth Employment Skills (YES) activity.

Witness firsthand how students, teachers, and entrepreneurs are molding the future through groundbreaking work readiness programs and hands-on learning.

17.2K views05:46
2024-04-30 13:11:22
2025-yilgi "Turli millatga mansub immigrantlar vizasi - DV" dasturi ishtirokchilarini saralash vaqti ham yaqinlashib qoldi!

2024-yilning 4-May kuni Toshkent vaqti bilan soat 21:00 dan e'tiboran, saytida tasdiqlov raqamingizni kiritgan holda,arizangiz maqomini tekshirishingiz mumkin bo'ladi.

Bu, arizangiz tanlab olingani haqida ma'lumotga ega bo'lishning YAGONA yo'lidir.

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Почти наступило время для отбора участников в программе визовой лотереи для иммигрантов-уроженцев разных стран в 2025 году!

Начиная с 4 мая 2024 г. в 21:00 по Ташкентскому времени, вы сможете проверить статус вашего заявления, введя свой номер подтверждения на сайте

Вы сможете проверить, было ли отобрано ваше заявление, ТОЛЬКО на этом сайте.

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It’s almost time for Diversity Visa 2025 selections!

Starting May 4, 2024, at 9 pm Tashkent time, you will be able to check the status of your entry by entering your confirmation number at

This is the ONLY way to check if you have been selected to participate.
24.0K views10:11
2024-04-29 09:50:33
The U.S. Embassy Tashkent is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of TRAVEL/VISA CLERK in the General Services Office.

Apply now!

Deadline: May 10, 2024

#HRMondays #USEmbassyTashkent
12.5K views06:50
2023-07-24 15:15:47
The U.S. Embassy in Tashkent had the privilege of welcoming our esteemed alumni, Umid Saydakhmedov and Botir Dosov (pictured on the right), who embarked on life-changing journeys in the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program.

Umid studied System of Selection and Training of Judges at the prestigious College of Law, Syracuse University in New York for 3 months, while Botir delved into Agriculture at the renowned University of California, Davis for 5 months.

Their passion for learning and cultural exchange is truly inspiring, and they generously shared valuable insights with us.

Excitement fills the air as we welcome our latest finalists, #Fulbright Visiting Scholars, Gulnoza Ismailova and G’ulom Bekmirzayev (pictured in the left). They are all set to depart for the United States in early August to pursue their dreams.

Gulnoza will be studying Global Studies at the esteemed George Washington University, and G’ulom will dive deep into Agriculture at the USDA.

As they enter this new chapter, we wish them safe and enriching journey.

The U.S. Embassy is proud to help build connections between scholars in Uzbekistan and the United States.

4.5K views12:15