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IELTS vocabulary 'Health & fitness' Band 7+ Allergic = | Listening strategy

IELTS vocabulary
"Health & fitness"

Band 7+

Allergic = react badly to smth
Harmful = unsafe
Appetite = desire for food
Lifestyle = the way you live
Ingredients = contents of food
Recovery = getting better(from illness)
Hunger = need for food
Nutritious = full of VIT
Treatment = medical care
Suffer = feel pain

Band +8

Sedentary = sitting a lot or inactive
Psychological = mental
Beneficial = helpful / positive
Intake = amount you take in
Detrimental = harmful / negative
Eradicate = get rid of /eliminate
/ wipe out
Well-being = health and happiness
Severity = how serious something is Preventive
Additives = chemicals added to food


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