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The subject of Qadr (Destiny) is a bit complicated. If we beli | With_me_Sevar💞

The subject of Qadr (Destiny) is a bit complicated. If we believe everything is already laid down then why are we being tested in this life if our destination is already figured out ? And if we believe destiny can be changed then why was it put there in the first place ?
I kept asking these questions to myself for years, and even more, like:
If I work hard but didn't get to what I want is this my destiny or is it due to my shortcomings?
If I believe everything is destiny then how can I develop myself so that I don't make mistakes in the future ?
After years of studying I've come up with an explanation that is confirmed in the Quran but I haven't really seen any other scholar talk about it.
Here's my explanation:
Destiny is not a single fixed path. But rather a huge number of paths and sub paths that are laid down when you are born.
Let me elaborate…
You are born with given physical and mental attributes that you cannot change, based on these attributes and the nature you were born in, and your family's life choices up until now, Allah the all knowing lay down every single path you might take in your life from paths that are controlled by your decisions to paths that are controlled by external sources like your parents, to even interwind paths with everyone that you might meet.
This way, God really knows everything from the day you were born to the day you died, and it is a real test of life since YOU have to choose the right paths to follow and DUA (prayers) don't really change destiny itself, but rather helps you see the right path… still the decision is yours and that's the true test.
In the day of judgment you will be judged based on the decisions that you made.
Thinking like this will allow you to be very grateful to God yet very skeptical about your abilities to achieve what you want to achieve. Because you know that some events in life are done by God regardless of your decisions and these are the things that you should be grateful to no matter how bad you think they are. I had a big event that I thought was the worst thing ever in my life, but after a couple of years I came to understand that if this event didn't happen to me, I would have never had the time to study in my religion as much as I did and to that I'm grateful to Allah.
Other events are directly influenced by your decisions and to that you need to be skeptical about yourself in a good way to always try and do better this way you truly grow as a human being.

وَمَاۤ أَصَـٰبَكُم مِّن مُّصِیبَةࣲ فَبِمَا كَسَبَتۡ أَیۡدِیكُمۡ وَیَعۡفُوا۟ عَن كَثِیرࣲ
• Abdul Haleem:
Whatever misfortune befalls you [people], it is because of what your own hands have done- God forgives much- (Quran 42:30)