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(Reposted from my instagram ) Dear Z Imagine this: a world | Joey Yap

(Reposted from my instagram )
Dear Z

Imagine this: a world where everything’s on the house. Free lessons, free advice, a bit like having an all-you-can-eat buffet but with knowledge instead of food. Sounds pretty awesome, right? But here’s the catch – even at that buffet, someone’s got to pay the chefs, waiters, buy the ingredients and, oh, the rent.

So, here’s the deal. I’d absolutely love to dish out freebies left, right, and center. Problem is, there’s this little thing called bills. And they’re pretty relentless. I’ve got a whole squad of 120 people working full time cranking out this magic, and guess what? They’ve got families who, weirdly enough, enjoy eating and having roofs over their heads.

I know, I know, you think $47 a month is a king’s ransom, and hey, that’s totally fine. You don’t want to pay, you don’t have to. It’s like Netflix; nobody’s forcing you to subscribe. But let’s not rain on everyone else’s parade who find value in what we’re doing.

You said something about using metaphysics to help folks, and that I shouldn’t be charging any money right? I’m all in. So much so, I’ve been throwing out free stuff by the bucketload (BaZi 5 Day Challenge ring any bell?). Most folks say thanks, but then there are a few who kinda expect me to keep the freebies coming forever.

So, how about this for an idea? Swing by my QiMen Academy live event in Singapore this weekend. I’ll hook you up with a free pass. In return, you can join the fun and help out, offering your reading services for zilch, nada, nothing to ALL my Tribe members. You’ll be living the dream, doing good for the sake of good. Sounds like a fair trade, right?

Let’s put those principles to the test. After all, if we’re talking about helping people without expecting anything back, what better way than diving in headfirst?

Looking forward to seeing you in action, and who knows? Maybe we’ll start a whole new trend.
