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Multi Level B2 C1 / IELTS

Telegram kanalining logotibi multilevel_materials_tests — Multi Level B2 C1 / IELTS M
Telegram kanalining logotibi multilevel_materials_tests — Multi Level B2 C1 / IELTS
Toifalar: Kattalashtirilmagan
Til: Oʻzbek tili
Obunachilar: 9.71K
Kanalning ta’rifi

Multilevel(CEFR), IELTS imtihonlariga biz bilan tayyorgarlik ko‘ring!
Biz o‘zgacha formatda sizga ma'lumotlar taqdim etamiz) ❤

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Oxirgi xabar 3

2022-12-31 07:36:14

Shirindek goʻzal, Layli misol vafodor, Kumush yanglig‘ oqila qizlar-u Otabekdek ziyoli, Majnundek sadoqatda tengsiz, Anvardek oʻktam yigitlar!!
Yangi yilingiz muborak boʻlsin!!
Olloh sizga “Avesto” umrini, “Qutadgʻu bilig” nurini ato etsin. Qadringiz
“Shohnoma” misol baland, martabangiz “Xamsa”dek buyuk boʻlsin. Navoiydek ulug‘lik, Boburdek jasorat, Nodiradek goʻzallik, Mashrabdek qalbi poklik, Yassaviydek kamtarinlik umringizni bezasin!!
Tanosubdek ajdodlarga loyiq boʻling, taʼdid misol yutuqlarga erishing, talmeh misol chaqnab yuring!
“Daftar hoshiyangizdagi 2022 - yil bitiklar”i “Ikki eshik orasidagi” maʼnili umringizni bezasin! Mashaqqat bilan “Oʻtgan kunlar”ingizning “Kecha va kunduz”i shodlik lahzalariga aylansin!!!
Bayram muborak boʻlsin!!

Yaqinlaringizni Adabiyotcha tabrik bilan tabriklab qo‘ying.


@Talabalar_Studentlar | Tarqatamiz
(Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiring )
782 views𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗, 04:36
2022-12-30 05:59:02

If you look at the IELTS speaking marking criteria , you will notice that pronunciation makes up 25% of the total marks . In other words , it is difficult get a high band score in your speaking test without good pronunciation .

Pronunciation features include :

Sentence Stress
Word Stress
Weak Sounds
Linking Sounds

Kanalga ulanish
908 views𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗, edited  02:59
2022-12-29 22:01:35 HAPPY FRIDAY
1.1K views𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗, 19:01
2022-12-29 22:01:20

Sizga JUMA kuni uchun tabriklar

Rasmga tabrik izlab qiynalib o‘tirmasligingiz uchun biz sizga har bir yaqiningizga atab tabriklar tayyorlab qo‘ydik.

Marhamat kerakligini tanlang

1.1K views𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗, 19:01
2022-12-27 10:13:54

- Apple juice
- Emotional damage

Kanalga ulanish
2.1K views𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗, 07:13
2022-12-26 22:24:23 Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful than those countries which do not have a long working time.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Economic prosperity is a priority on most countries’ agenda. In this regard, some argue that having extended work hours can help a nation reach economic success rather than shorter ones. I tend to disagree with this point of view.

Having long average working hours nationwide can be a somewhat economically sensible option for some reasons. Such a work regime leads to higher output. That is, the more countries work, the higher their volume of production will be. China and Japan are known to have record-high work hours, and part of their economic success can be attributed to this fact. Another reason has to do with job proficiency. People tend to build more experience and familiarity with their job when they spend more time working. In this sense, countries who have seasoned workforce are more likely to succeed economically than those who do not.

I, on the other hand, firmly believe that setting long work hours does not necessarily guarantee more profit. As a matter of fact, it can be detrimental to national economy. One reason is poor efficiency in the workplace. People working long hours tend to grow inattentive and moody, which invariably affect their performance at work. In some instances, they are bound to experience severe burn-outs when overworked. Added to this problem is the rise of social issue. In countries such as Japan - notorious for having work-centric mentality – people are reported to have poor social life and high suicide rates. Hardly can a country achieve affluence with low productivity in the workplace and major social problems.

In conclusion, though making people stay long hours in the workplace can sometimes help improve the wealth of a country, it is often counterproductive seeing as it gives rise to poor productivity and social problems.

#writing task2
Kanalga ulanish
2.4K views𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗, 19:24
2022-12-26 21:12:13
#Writing Task 1 - Formal letters.

Multilevel Testi Writing Task 1ni yozishda bu video juda foydali.

Kanalimizda Multilevel bo'yicha ko'proq ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lasiz.

Kanalga ulanish
2.1K views𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗, 18:12
2022-12-26 11:12:48 LPA tugatildi, DTM tugatildi, endi ular bergan sertifikatlar tan olinmaydimi?

Ko'p ustozlar ushbu xabarlardan havotirga berilish holatlari bo'lyapti. Hech qanday havotirga o'rin yo'q. Har ikki tashkilotdan berilgan sertifikatlar o'z kuchida qoladi. Amal qilish muddatlari davomida imtiyozli hisoblanadi. Bundan keyingi imtihonlarda sertifikatlar yangi tashkilot nomi bilan berilishi mumkin. Ya'ni nom o'zgaradi xolos va bu hech qanday noqulayliklar keltirib chiqarmaydi deb o'ylayman.

Kanalga ulanish
2.3K views𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗, 08:12
2022-12-26 10:51:13 #IELTS VOCABULARY

Bazi bir kirish so'z, bog'lovchi va predloglarning ma'nolari

According to - …-ga ko’ra
Apart from - …-ni hisobga olmaganda
As to(as for) - …-ga kelsak
But for - …bo’lmaganda
By means of - …vositasida
In accordance with - …-ga ko’ra
As compared with - …bilan taqqoslaganda
In comparison with - …bilan taqqoslaganda
In conformity with - …-ga ko’ra
In consequence of - …-ning natijasida
In favour of - …-ning foydasiga
Instead of - …-ning o’rniga
On behalf of - …-ning nomidan
Subject to - … bo’lsa, sharti bilan
With (a) regard to - …haqida, to’g’risida
With (a) respect to - …haqida,to’g’risida
Provided (that)/ Providing(that)
-’lsa, sharti bilan
Seeing (that) - …bilib, madomiki
Supposing (that) - aytaylik, faraz qilaylik
Moreover – bundan tashqari
Furthermore – bundan tashqari
As if/As though - Xuddi
On condition (that) – …sharti bilan
As…as - …-dek
Than - …-dan ko’ra
As a result of - …-ning natijasida
Once - …-gach, bilanoq
Hitherto – hozirgacha
Inasmuch as – qo’shimchasiga, bundan tashqari
On the contrary – shunga zid
Eventually – axir, vaqti kelib
Vice versa – huddi shuning teskarisi
Hence – shu sababdan
Notwithstanding - …-ning tasirisiz
Meanwhile – huddi shu paytda
Likewise – huddi shu usulda, bir xil
Besides – bundan tashqari
As a matter of fact – Shu tufayli
Indeed – chindan ham, rostan ham
Until/Till - …-gacha

Kanalga ulanish
2.2K views𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗, 07:51
2022-12-26 10:17:06

Sizga YANGI YIL uchun Yangi tabriklar

Rasmga tabrik izlab qiynalib o‘tirmasligingiz uchun biz sizga har bir yaqiningizga atab tabriklar tayyorlab qo‘ydik

Qani, sovg‘alarni o‘z egalariga yetkazing
P.s. Hammasi bepul)
2.0K views𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚑 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗, 07:17