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There’s no one to fix your life. You’re the only one who can c | Saida's

There’s no one to fix your life. You’re the only one who can change your life, make it better.

No one is gonna wake you up in the morning and say “G’anisher, please get up, read your books, do your to-do lists, your future depends on you, don’t be lazy. Please, do it for your future-self”. There’s no one.

Nobody cares if you keep living in poverty. Nobody cares if you’re starving to death. Nobody cares if you’re failing in every sphere.

Nobody is gonna come and say “G’anisher, let’s shoot some videos for your Instagram, otherwise you’re gonna lose all the subscribers you’ve gained so far. Goo! Stop being lazy!”

Nobody, nobody, nobody, literally nobody.

It’s you! It’s only you!

Don’t do things when you feel like doing. Life doesn’t care if you like it or not.

You normally have two choices:
1. Feel the pain of dicipline
2. Live the rest of your life with the pain of regret!

No feeling! Only dicipline!

