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1. mill - tegirmon This old mill has been working for over 5 | Ingliz tili | Ontagon

1. mill - tegirmon
This old mill has been working for over 50 years.
Bu eski tegirmon 50 yildan ko’p vaqt davomida ishlab kelyapti.

2. bridge- ko’prik
They built a new bridge across the river.
Ular daryo bo’ylab yangi ko’prik qurishdi.

3. duck - o’rdak
The ducks started flying towards us when we threw them some bread.
Biz ularga non tashlaganimizda o'rdaklar biz tomon ucha boshladi.

4. chimney - mo’ri, tuynik
Smoke was rising from the chimney.
Mo’ridan tutun chiqayotgan edi.

5. tree - daraxt
Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.
Sizga soya beradigan daraxtni kesmang.
