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Phrases and collocations •A good/great cook - yaxshi/zo'r osh | Mega IELTS

Phrases and collocations

•A good/great cook - yaxshi/zo'r oshpaz
•Cook a meal/chicken - ovqat/tovuq pishirmoq
•Do the cooking - pishirmoq

•Make (sb) a drink -(kimgadir) ichimlik tayyorlab bermoq
•Have a drink (of sth) - ( ichmoq
•Drink sth - ichmoq
•Drink to sb - kimningdir sharafiga ichmoq
•Drink to sb's health - kimningdir sog'lig'i uchun ichmoq
•Drink a toast to sb - qadah so'zi aytib ichmoq

•Feed an animal - hayvonga ovqat bermoq
•Feed on sth - ...evaziga ovqatlanmoq, ...dan oziqlanmoq

•Fill sth (up) - to'ldirmoq
•Filled with sth - ...bilan to'ldirilgan
•Full of sth - ...bilan to'la

•Make/prepare/cook food - ovqat tayyorlamoq
•Serve food - ovqat suzib bermoq, taom tortmoq
•Fast/junk food - tez tayyor bo'ladigan, ko'chada yebyurishga qulay
ovqatlar (xotdog, gamburger), tez tayyor bo'ladigan,  sog'liq uchun
zararli bo'lgan ovqatlar
•Pet food - hayvonlar ovqati
•Health food - foydali mahsulot, taom

•Make/cook a meal - ovqat qilmoq
•Have a meal - ovqat yemoq
•Go out for a meal - ovqat yegani ko'chaga chiqmoq

•Make/take/keep (a) note of sth - ...qayd etib qo'ymoq
•Note sth (down) - qayd etib qo'ymoq

•On this/that occasion - bu/u holatda
•On occasion - ba'zida
•On the occasion of sth - muhim bir voqea jarayonida
•Special occasion - maxsus voqea,  bayram, tug'ilgan kun

•Follow a recipe - retseptga ko'ra qilmoq
•Recipe book - retseptlar kitobi
•Recipe for disaster - halokatga olib keladigan yo'riqnoma

•Lay/set the table - dasturxon yozmoq
•Clear the table - dasturxonni yig'ishtirmoq
•Book/reserve a table - dasturxon, stol buyurtma bermoq (restoran)

•Wash the dishes - idishlarni yuvmoq
•Wash one's hands - qo'llarini yuvmoq
•Do the washing-up - idishlarni yuvmoq
•Dishwasher - idish yuvadigan mashina
•Washing machine - kir yuvish mashinasi

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