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Ingliz-tilida suhbat davomida eng ko'p qo'llaniladigan qisqart | Mega IELTS

Ingliz-tilida suhbat davomida eng ko'p qo'llaniladigan qisqartmalar|  

Ain't = Am not/are not/is not - emas
Example. I ain't sure - ishonchim komil emas

Ain't = Has not/have not - ...magan
Example. He ain't finished yet - u tugatmagan hali

Wanna = Want to - xohlayman
Example. I wanna go home. - men uyga ketishni xohlayman

Wanna = Want a - xohlayman bitta
Example. I wanna coffee. - xohlayman bitta kofe

Whatcha = What are you - sen nima
Example. Whatcha gonna do? - sen nima qilmoqchisan?

What Kinda = Kind of - qanaqa
Example. What kinda movie is that? - U qanaqa kino

Sorta = Sort of - sal, ozgina
Example. I’m sorta tired - men sal charchadim

Outta = Out of - ...dan tashqari
Example. Get outta here - bu yerdan tashqariga chiq

Alotta = A lot of - ko'p
Example. I eat alotta cake. - men ko'p to'rt yeyman

Lotsa = Lots of - ko'p
Example. I have lotsa money - menda ko'p pul bor

Mucha = Much of - ko'pi
Example. Much of  was wasted - vaqtning ko'pi bekor ketdi

Cuppa = Cup of - bir chashka
Example. Would you like a cuppa coffee? - bir chashka kofe xohlaysizmi?

Dunno = Don’t know - bilmadim
Example. I dunno - bilmadim

Lemme = Le - ruhsat ber
Example. Lemme see! - ruhsatingi bilan ko'raychi

Gimme = Give me - menga ber
Example. Gimme the pen! - ruchkani menga ber

Biz bilan  Ingliz Tilini 0-dan IELTS-gacha online tayyorlaning

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