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New vocabulary lifeguard – an expert swimmer employed at a | REGISTON MEGA

New vocabulary

lifeguard – an expert swimmer employed at a beach or pool to protect other swimmers from drowning or other accidents – qutqaruvchi
peak – pointed top of a mountain – cho‘qqi
barrier – something that stops or hinders movement from one place to another – to‘siq
avalanche – great mass of snow and ice that slides down the side of a mountain – qor ko‘chkisi
landslide – small movement of rocks and soil down the side of a hill or other slope – yer ko‘chkisi
boon – advantage; something that makes life better or easier – foyda, naf
fell – cut down (of trees) – kesmoq
meadow – area of grassland – maysazor
abandon – stop looking after and leave, not intending to return – tashlab ketmoq
keen – eager, wanting (to do something) very much – mukkasidan ketmoq, biror narsani juda xohlamoq
exploit – develop in order to make money; take advantage of – rivojlantirmoq
phenomenon – something that happens and can be seen or experienced – o‘ziga xos hodisa
estimate – calculate approximately – chamalamoq
descend – go or move downwards – pastga tushmoq
inhabited – with people living there; occupied – aholi yashaydigan
depletion – reduction; being used up so that little or none remains - kamayish

#vocabulary #glossary

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