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New vocabulary entrepreneur — person who organizes and mana | REGISTON MEGA

New vocabulary

entrepreneur — person who organizes and manages a business enterprise — tadbirkor
content — happy; satisfied — mamnun
revenue — income — daromad
be after — looking for; trying to get (phrase) — ketiga tushmoq
desire — wish; strong feeling of want — kuchli xohish
destiny — future; fate — taqdir, qismat
ingenuity — cleverness; skill; ability to think of new ideas — aqllilik, zukkolik
inner drive — self-motivation (phrase) — ichki turtki
clear-cut — obvious; distinct; easy to understand — aniq, tushunarli
engaging — holding your attention; seeming attractive — jalb qiluvchi
effervescent — lively; enthusiastic — jonli, jo’shqin
rear — (of children) bring up; raise — voyaga yetmoq, ulg’aymoq
unprecedented — never done or known before — ko’z ko’rib, quloq eshitmagan
mayhem — chaos; state of no control — tartibsizlik

#vocabulary #glossary

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