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My full name is Khodjaniyazova Soniya Maratovna I was born | IELTS with Soniya

My full name is Khodjaniyazova Soniya Maratovna

I was born in Karakalpakstan in 2000 (Khodjeli)

I am Uzbek by nationality

I had my first formal education in Khodjeli, then in Nukus

I graduated from KarSu last year.

Currently I am doing my MA (Master degree) at Webster University in Tashkent

I took the IELTS test two times one was back in 2021 on October 9, the other one was last year on 10th of December

In my first try, I got an overall 7.5 which then was upgraded by 0.5 up to a solid 8 in my last attempt

I am an English teacher at public school in Tashkent.

I can speak Karakalpak, English, some Russian.