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#VOCAB Diverse (adj) — having variety. The community in Toro | IELTS CENTER EDUCATION


(adj) — having variety. The community in Toronto is one of the most diverse in Canada.

Contend with (phr v) — to have a rivalry, to argue. This lecturer really likes to contend with unruly students during his classes.

Leave in doubt (phr v) — keep someone in uncertainty about something.

Probing (adj) — thorough. The search conducted was very probing and therefore successful.

Justify (v) — to be valid, to have reasons. I can’t justify firing this employee — he has done nothing wrong!

Sweeping statement (n) — generalised statement.

Overwhelming (adj) — overpowering, extremely strong. The effect of his speech was overwhelming — the ovation went on for several minutes.

Bewildering (adj) — confusing or puzzling.

Portrayal (adj) — representation. The portrayal of his contribution to our society isn’t accurate.

Vague (adj) — not clear or certain.

Contentious (adj) — subject to doubt or discussion. Their contentious claim shocked everyone.

Delegate (v) — give or transfer your duties to other person.

Get to grips with (phr v) — to deal with, to be done with.

Lay person (n) — person without any specialised knowledge in the subject, non-professional. To a lay person, this formula doesn’t make any sense.

Khudoyberdi Kahramonov