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Part 1 - What is your favourite colour? - What colours do y | Normurod‘s blog

Part 1

- What is your favourite colour?
- What colours do your friends like?
- Do you think colours influence you?
- Do you think colours are important?
- What colour clothes do you like to wear?
- Do you like painting or drawing?
- Have you learned drawing or painting?

Part 2

Describe a time when your computer broke down.
You should say :
-When it was
-What you were doing
-What you did about it
-And how you felt about it.

Part 3

- What do people use computers for?
- What should people do when their computer has problems?
- Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex?
- Why can it be difficult for some people to use a modern computer?
- Should students be allowed to use computers at school?
- What do you think of people who are addicted to computers?
- Do you think computers have changed our lives for the better or for the worse?
- Will we have reliable computers/technology in the future?