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Buyruq gaplarni tasdiq - so'roq gaplarda qo'llash. 1) Read t | emy _dunya

Buyruq gaplarni tasdiq - so'roq gaplarda qo'llash.

1) Read the text, will you?
Don't read the text, will you?

2) Let's (not) + V1 , shall we?

3) He won't mind If Ieave early, will he?
Ergash gapga ega bo'lgan, ikki qismdan iborat bo'lgan gaplarga nisbatan tasdiq - so'roq gap hosil qilganda asosiy fikrni ifodalovchi gap qismidan kelib chiqqan holda, so'roq gap qismi hosil qilinadi.

4) I hope he will come soon, won't he?
I think he is a good person, isn't he?
I don't think he is a good person, is he?

5) This/ That is a nice book, isn't it?

6) These/ Those are your books, aren't they?

7) Every/Somebody came, didn't they?

8) There is/are + noun + place, isn't/aren't there?

9) I am late, aren't I?
I am not late, am I?

10) Robiya hardly could pass the test, could she?
| S. + V | , | k/ v. + S ? |

Agarda gapning birinchi qismida inkor ma'noni ifodalovchi so'zlar( nobody, nothing, never, rare, neither, hardly, scarcely, barely ) va rad etish ma'nosini ifodalovchi fe'llar ( deny, refuse, reject ) qo'llanilgan bo'lsa, tasdiq - so'roq gap qismi darak shaklida ishlatiladi.