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COLLACATIONS UNIT 20 | CITY 1 towering skyscrapers – juda | Learning_English_Freee



1 towering skyscrapers – juda ham baland binolar
2 noise pollution – juda ham ko’p shovqin, shovqindan ifloslanish
3 coastal city – ocean qirg’og’idagi shahar
4 high-rise building – juda ham baland bino
5 industrial zone – sanoatlashgan hudud
6 cozy little house – juda ham shinam kichkina uy
7 (on) outskirts of the city – shaharning tashqi qismi(da)
8 hectic pace – juda ham tez ritm
Life in the new town is quite different from hectic pace of Los Angeles.
9 bustling streets (busy streets filled with people
) – shovqinli, ko’p odamli ko’chalar
10 strewn with litter – axlat bilan to’lib ketgan
11 traffic jams – probka
12 narrow cobble stone streets – tor tosh yotqizilgan ko’chalar
13 eighteenth-century building – 18-asrga tegishli bo’lgan bino
14 quaint shops – antikvar narsalar, suviner sotadigan do’konlar
15 gourmet restaurants – yuqori sifatli restarantlar
16 local cuistine – mahalliy oshxona, taom
17 open-air market – tashqaridagi usti ochiq bozor
18 main square – asosiy xiyobon
19 street vendors – ko’chada narsasini yoyib sotadigan sotuvchilar
20 trendy cafes – mashhur kafelar
21 street crime – ko’cha jinoyati
22 inner-city areas (older, central, crowded part of a city, usually filled with poo
people and possibly violence) – shaharning ichki qismidagi hududlar
23 cultural diversity – madaniyat xilma-xilligi
24 pulsating nightlife – juda ham ko’p barlar, klublar bor hudud
25 you can’t fight city hall – sen hech qachon qog’ozbozlik, buyrakratiyani ustidan 
g’alaba qozonolmaysan
26 cardboard city – uysiz odamlar yashaydigan hudud
27 fat city – iqtisodiy jihatdan narmalni holat(a secure and pleasant situation often 
); semiz odam
Grandfather will be living in fat city when his pensions checks start rolling in.
28 marble city – 1 qabriston; 2 juda ham ko’p haykallar bor hdud
29 Act of God – xudoning ishi (suv toshqinlari, zilzila)
30 Dead is a dodo – juda ham oddiy, zamondan ortda qolib ketgan (fuddy-duddy)
31 second to none (the best)– eng zo’ri 
32 (in the) middle of nowhere – yerni narigi tomonida, juda uzoqda

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