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Conjunctions (Bog'lovchilar) III qism as payt bog'lovchisi | REGISTON MEGA

Conjunctions (Bog'lovchilar) III qism

as payt bog'lovchisi sifatida qoʻllanilganda:
Birinchidan, biror ish-harakat davomida boshqa bir ish-harakat boʻlib oʻtganini bildiradi.
I watched her as she opened the envelope. (Men u konvertni ochayotganda qarab turdim)
Ikkinchidan, vaqt oʻtgan sayin oʻzgarib borayotgan/borgan ish-harakatni tasvirlaydi.
As the days went on, the weather kept getting worse. (Kunlar o'tgan sayin, ob-havo yomonlashib boraverdi

As sabab bog'lovchisi sifatida qoʻllanilganda sababli, tufayli degan ma'nolarda qoʻllanilib, oʻzidan keyin gap talab qiladi.
As I was feeling very tired, I went to bed early.

as  - -dek degan ma'noda bog'lovchi boʻlib ham qoʻllanishi mumkin.
Please, do as I told you. (Iltimos, men aytgandek qiling)

as soʻzi koʻmakchi bo'lib kelib, sifatida degan ma'noda ham qoʻllanishi mumkin va bunday vaziyatda oʻzidan keyin ot, otli birikma, olmosh yoki gerundiy talab qiladi.
A few years ago Tom used to work as a taxi-driver.
such as - misol uchun
Some sports, such as moto-racing can be very dangerous.
as usual - odatdagidek
You are late, as usual.
as a rule - odatda, qoidaga ko'ra
I go to bed early, as a rule.

as if/as though bog'lovchisi goʻyoki, huddi degan ma'nolarda look/smell/sound fe'llari bilan qoʻllaniladi.
You look as if you haven't slept. (Huddi uxlamagan odamga o'xshaysiz)
It looks as though it is going to rain.

as if bog'lovchisi noreal gaplarda ham qoʻllana oladi. Bunday vaziyatlarda undan keyingi gapdagi voqea bir zamon oʻtmishga suriladi.
I don't like Norman. He speaks as if he knew everything.

on the one hand … on the other hand –  bir tomondan..., ikkinchi tomondan..., degan ma'noda qarama-qarshi  fikrlarni ifodalash uchun qoʻllaniladi.
On the one hand they'd love to have kids, but on the other, they don't want to give up their freedom.

whereas/whileqarama-qarshi fikrlarni qiyoslab ifodalash uchun qoʻllaniladigan bog’lovchilar hisoblanishadi.
While Tom is very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. (Tom ilmda zo'r bo'lsa ham, uning ukasi umuman hech narsani bilmaydi)
Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not.

nevertheless/nonethelessshunga qaramasdan degan ma’noda bir-biriga qarama-qarshi boʻlgan fikrlarni bog’lab keladigan toʻsiqsiz bog’lovchilar hisoblanishadi.
There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try.

moreover/in addition/what is more/furthermorebundan tashqari  degan ma’noda oldingi fikrga qoʻshimcha qilish uchun ishlatiladi.
She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely.
in addition to/besides/including/as well as  - –ga qoʻshimcha (tarzda), shu jumladan degan ma’noda koʻmakchili birikma hisoblanadi.
There's a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge.
A number of international stars, including Joan Collins, are expected to attend.

otherwiseaks holda degan ma’noda qoʻllaniladi.
I'm lucky that I'm interested in school work, otherwise I'd go mad.

consequently/as a result/accordingly/ergo/hence/subsequently/therefore/thusnatijada, oqibatda, shuning uchun degan ma’nolarda bog’lovchi hisoblanishadi.
Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.
Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to go short of essentials.
Neither side would have an incentive to start a war. Ergo, peace would reign.

now thatendi, shu sababli degan ma’noda bog’lovchi hisoblanadi.
Now (that) the kids have left home, we've got a lot of extra space. (Bolalar uyda ketgani sababli bizda qo'shimcha bo'sh joy bor)
Now (that) they have children, they have less free time.

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