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Some useful Expressions Hi, there! - salom How’ve you | REGISTON MEGA

Some useful Expressions

Hi, there! - salom

How’ve you been? - Ahvolingiz qanday?

What’s good? – Qanday yaxshi xabarlar?

What’s new? - Nima yangiliklar?

Hey! There he/she is!  - Eeeee! Mana qayerda ekan!

How’s your day? - Kuningiz qanday otyapti?

How long has it been? - Korishmaganimizga qancha boldi?

It has been a long time/It’s been too long - Korishmaganimizga ancha boldi.

It’s always a pleasure to see you - Siz bilan uchrashishdan doim hursandman

Look who it is! - Qarangchi, bu kim ekan!

Is it really you? When did we last meet? - Bu rostdan ham senmisan? Ohirgi marotaba qachon korishgan edik?

Long time no see - Anchadan beri korishmadik

Where have you been hiding? - Qayerga yoq bolib qolarding?

Wow, it’s so good to see you again! - Vauu! Seni yana uchratganim zor boldi!

Good to see you (again)/ Great to see you/ Nice to see you -  Seni yana korganimdan hursandman!

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