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2021-12-28 12:23:55 COMMON MISTAKES

Learn = get new knowledge or skills
I’m learning to knit.

I’m learning a course.
I’m taking a course.

I learnt a lot with this course.
I learnt a lot from this course.

I’d really like to study about the ancient Egyptians.
I’d really like to learn about the ancient Egyptians.

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439 viewsedited  09:23
2021-12-27 11:29:08 YOU AND ME or YOU AND I

These phrases have different grammatical usage.
The main thing you need to remember is that

You and me = us
You and I = we

That means that the first phrase should be used as an object pronoun, while the second one as a subject pronoun.

My mother bought some apples for you and me = My mother bought some apples for us

You and I were good friends at school = We were good friends at school

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317 viewsedited  08:29
2021-12-25 14:45:03
Merry Christmas to all our Catholic friends!
498 views11:45
2021-12-24 12:18:56
203 views09:18
2021-12-23 11:36:00
463 views08:36
2021-12-21 12:56:06 DESCRIBING SNOW

in large/small quantities: deep, heavy, light, thick
Winters are cold with heavy snows.

recent: fresh, new
The fresh snow increases the avalanche risk and makes the climb much more dangerous.

soft or wet: melting, soft, wet
They manhandled the sledges over ice hummocks and through soft snow.

hard or dry: crisp, dry, frozen, hard, powdery
Conditions were perfect, lovely powdery snow and clear blue skies.

being blown: drifting, driving, swirling
Drifting snow caused the closure of many roads.

fall: blow, fall
Several centimetres of snow had already fallen and it was coming down heavily

stay: lie
There was snow lying on the ground all the way.

melt: disappear, melt, recede, retreat, thaw
The forecast is good and the snow has melted.

cover or block things: blanket, block, cover
Three or four inches of snow has blanketed the ground for over a week now.

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153 viewsedited  09:56
2021-12-20 17:11:27 INSTEAD OF VERY

very rich wealthy
very noisy deafening
very short brief
very clear obvious
very accurate exact
very simple basic
very often frequently
very angry furious
very bad awful
very beautiful gorgeous
very busy swamped
very big massive

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308 views14:11
2021-12-17 13:24:53
Elon Musk, a person of the year 2021, according to Time magazine.

The richest man in the world does not own a house and has recently been selling off his fortune. He tosses satellites into orbit and harnesses the sun; he drives a car he created that uses no gas and barely needs a driver. With a flick of his finger, the stock market soars or swoons. An army of devotees hangs on his every utterance. He dreams of Mars as he bestrides Earth, square-jawed and indomitable.

Do you agree with that choice? Who could be named a person of the year instead?
305 views10:24
2021-12-17 12:12:18 PLURAL-ONLY NOUNS

These nouns do not exist in the singular form

* panties, boxers, briefs, tights
* jeans, pants, pyjamas, shorts, trousers

* headphones
* pliers, scissors, tongs, tweezers
* binoculars, glasses, goggles, sunglasses

Because the above examples have two parts, we can refer to them as "pair of" or "pairs of" to quantify them.
To talk about one item we can say a pair of, one pair of, my pair of, this pair of etc.

I need a new pair of sunglasses.
I'd like to buy one pair of boxers and two pairs of jeans.

Other Plural-Only Nouns
* earnings
* belongings, clothes
* congratulations, thanks
* outskirts, premises, surroundings

If your clothes are wet you can dry them upstairs.
Make sure your belongings are tagged with your name before you check them in.
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66 views09:12
2021-12-16 11:16:49
Have you made your wish come true?
352 views08:16