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Nizomiddin's blog

Telegram kanalining logotibi by_nizomiddin — Nizomiddin's blog N
Telegram kanalining logotibi by_nizomiddin — Nizomiddin's blog
Kanal manzili: @by_nizomiddin
Toifalar: Savdo
Til: Oʻzbek tili
Obunachilar: 76
Kanalning ta’rifi

• One of the leaders of Tashkent Youth Union Council 🇺🇿
• English teacher 👨‍🏫
• Motivator 🗣
• Erudite 👨‍💻
• Youth activist 👥
Personal thoughts, English lessons, suggestions and opinions ✔️
Contact: @nizomiddinov_n

Ratings & Reviews


3 reviews

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Oxirgi xabar

2022-12-25 21:34:03 "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."

-Helen Keller

30 views18:34
2022-12-25 07:52:10 "Risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing."

-Leo Buscaglia

36 views04:52
2022-12-23 08:50:17
Police fooled by a magic trick

47 viewsedited  05:50
2022-12-22 19:32:31
53 views16:32
2022-12-22 11:17:28
How She scammed Tate

55 viewsedited  08:17
2022-12-20 16:13:57 Zamonaviy lug'at

(sifat) - ijtimoiy tarmoqda yuborgan xabaringizni 1 daqiqadan 5 daqiqagacha bo'lgan vaqtda o'qimagan yoki o'qib o'sha zahotiyoq hamma ishini chetga surib sizga javob yozmagan IELTS instruktori.
179 views13:13
2022-12-20 14:56:16 Hurmatli ota-onalar!

Farzandingiz ta'lim olishi uchun sarflayotgan pulingizni xarajat emas sarmoya deb qarang.

63 views11:56
2022-12-20 14:53:51
Internetda shu rasmga ko'zim tushib qoldi. G'irt IELTS imtihoniga tayyorlanishga o'xsharkan.

Agar o'quvchi kurs boshidan barcha vazifalarni (kam yoki ko'pmi farqi yo'q hammasini to'liq aytilganidek) bajarsa, haqiqatda boshida qiynaladi o'z yo'liga tushib olguncha qiynaladi. Lekin keyin hammasi silliq ketadi (ikkinchi chizmaga o'xshab).

Aksincha, kursni o'ziga qatnashib, aytilgan vazifalarni qilmay, amallab kunini o'tkazsa boshida oson ketadi lekin keyin hammasi chigallashib ketadi (birinchi chizmaga o'xshab).

Hammayoqni chigallashtirib keyin ustoz nima qilsam bo'ladi deb so'rash biroz mantiqsizlik - chunki o'zingiz ham yaxshigina bilasiz ayb o'zingizda ekanligini. Ustozingiz ham boshidan to'g'irlash kerak bo'ladi endi deydi so'raganingiz bilan.

Shunday ekan tanlov o'z qo'lingizda, kursga qatnaydiganlar.

67 views11:53
2022-12-20 05:43:20
You fear people | Nouman Ali Khan

54 views02:43
2022-12-19 17:10:11 ​​How should I manage my time in the reading test ?

Time is a key part of the reading test.  A Band 8 or 9 candidate can skim read or speed-read a passage a lot faster than a Band 4 or 5 candidate. Your ability to quickly read the passages and locate the relevant information to answer the questions is one of the reading skills being assessed.  So it is important to have a strategy for the test and to practice the skills of skim reading and scanning a passage.  

Remember also that you need to transfer all of your answers onto a separate answer sheet within the 60 minutes that you have.  You are NOT given any extra time for this at the end. It is very important to make sure that you don’t make any mistakes when you are transferring your answers and that you don’t make any spelling mistakes.  

One question I’m often asked is whether you should start by reading the questions first.  My advice is to only very quickly look at the questions just to satisfy your curiosity and no more.  You will absolutely NOT be able to ‘guess’ any answers or answer the questions without reading the passage.  This is a common problem with practice tests that aren’t written by trained exam writers.  In the IELTS test, you will have to read the passage to find out the information you need, so reading the questions in detail first will be confusing and may make you feel anxious about what you don’t know.  It is also a waste of very valuable time.  

The images below show what I think is the best way to use your time in the reading test.

55 views14:10